Telegram Bot - 如何使用绝对/动态上传本地文件 URL

Telegram Bot - How to upload local files with absolute/ dynamic URL

我正在尝试使用 'sendPhoto' 方法和相对 url(文件级图像)通过电报机器人发送照片。我没有使用任何库,这是我的调用函数:

let axiosImage = async (chatId, caption, res) => {
try {
            headers:{'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}
            body: {
                'chat_id': chatId,
                'caption': caption,
                'photo': './image.jpeg'
    return res.send()
} catch (e) {
    console.log('\nSTATUS RESPONSE: ' + e.response.status)
    console.log('\nMESSAGE RESPONSE: ' + e.response.statusText)


我试过网络 url 并且发送正常。


来自电报api docs

  1. If the file is already stored somewhere on the Telegram servers, you don't need to reupload it: each file object has a file_id field, simply pass this file_id as a parameter instead of uploading. There are no limits for files sent this way.
  2. Provide Telegram with an HTTP URL for the file to be sent. Telegram will download and send the file. 5 MB max size for photos and 20 MB max for other types of content.
  3. Post the file using multipart/form-data in the usual way that files are uploaded via the browser. 10 MB max size for photos, 50 MB for other files.

您要发送的是通过文件上传 (3.) 发送的文件。这是您要实现的目标的答案:

我最近遇到了类似的问题,我设法使用 form-data npm 包和 built-in fs 模块解决了这个问题。

const FormData = require('form-data');
const fs = require('fs');

const axiosImage = async(chatId, caption, res) => {
    try {
        const formData = new FormData();
        formData.append('chat_id', chatId);
        formData.append('photo', fs.createReadStream('./image.jpeg'));
        formData.append('caption', caption);
        const response = await`${TELEGRAM_API}/sendPhoto`, formData, {
            headers: formData.getHeaders(),

        return res.send();
    } catch (err) {