
gnuplot, problem with margins in spiderplot



set title "Optimal solutions for the subcritical conventional cycle"

set termopt enhanced 
set encoding utf8
set terminal windows
set size ratio -1

set spiderplot
#set grid spiderplot

set style spiderplot fs transparent solid 0.2 border lw 1.5 pt 7 ps 1.5

set paxis 1 range[100:275]
set paxis 2 range[0:10]
set paxis 3 range[0:25]
set paxis 4 range[0:25]

set paxis 1 label "T_{evap} [^{o}C]"
set paxis 2 label "     ΔT_{super} [^{o}C]"
set paxis 3 label "ΔT_{pp,evap} [^{o}C]"
set paxis 4 label "ΔT_{pp,cond} [^{o}C]     "

set paxis 1 tics 100,25,275
set paxis 2 tics 0,1,10
set paxis 3 tics 0,5,25
set paxis 4 tics 0,5,25

plot \
     keyentry with spiderplot lc "#E74C3C" lw 1.5 title "R124",\
     for [i=1:4] "optsub_conv_optimal_solution_R124.txt" using i notitle lw 1.5 lc "#E74C3C",\
     keyentry with spiderplot lc "#F39C12" lw 1.5 title "Isobutane",\
     for [i=1:4] "optsub_conv_optimal_solution_Isobutane.txt" using i notitle lw 1.5 lc "#F39C12",\
     keyentry with spiderplot lc "#2ECC71" lw 1.5 title "R245fa",\
     for [i=1:4] "optsub_conv_optimal_solution_R245fa.txt" using i notitle lw 1.5 lc "#2ECC71",\
     keyentry with spiderplot lc "#3498DB" lw 1.5 title "Isopentane",\
     for [i=1:4] "optsub_conv_optimal_solution_Isopentane.txt" using i notitle lw 1.5 lc "#3498DB",\
     keyentry with spiderplot lc "#9B59B6" lw 1.5 title "Cyclopentane",\
     for [i=1:4] "optsub_conv_optimal_solution_Cyclopentane.txt" using i notitle lw 1.5 lc "#9B59B6"


显然,该图的两侧出现了太多的白色 space。此外,标题出现在轴标签的正上方,而另一个轴标签位于图的外部。 典型的边距命令(tmargin、bmargin、lmargin、rmargin)似乎不起作用。 有什么想法吗?

这些是数据文件: optsub_conv_optimal_solution_R124.txt

#(1) Tevap [oC] (2) DTsuper [oC] (3) DTppevap [oC] (4) DTppcond [oC] (5) nth [-] (6) nex [-] (7) wnet [kJ/kg] (8) mwf [kg/s] (9) nthchp [-] (10) nelchp [-] (11) nchp [-] (12) PHR [-] (13) PESR [-] (14) Toout [oC] (15) mo [kg/s] (16) Twoout [oC] (17) mw [kg/s] (18) Aevap [m^2] (19) Acond [m^2]
     109.741738         9.911802         13.686376         10.490225    0.079108    0.777738     11901.389154       4.667989       0.874848        0.067637      0.942485     0.077313      0.150392       73.898046       1.431867        53.509008       4.618337         2.153230         2.338824


#(1) Tevap [oC] (2) DTsuper [oC] (3) DTppevap [oC] (4) DTppcond [oC] (5) nth [-] (6) nex [-] (7) wnet [kJ/kg] (8) mwf [kg/s] (9) nthchp [-] (10) nelchp [-] (11) nchp [-] (12) PHR [-] (13) PESR [-] (14) Toout [oC] (15) mo [kg/s] (16) Twoout [oC] (17) mw [kg/s] (18) Aevap [m^2] (19) Acond [m^2]
     129.026974         9.784578         10.589184          7.690567    0.097319    0.802556     36554.377923       1.519806       0.857547        0.083208      0.940755     0.097030      0.170107       71.949670       1.155533        59.034857       3.158823         2.010785         2.219941


#(1) Tevap [oC] (2) DTsuper [oC] (3) DTppevap [oC] (4) DTppcond [oC] (5) nth [-] (6) nex [-] (7) wnet [kJ/kg] (8) mwf [kg/s] (9) nthchp [-] (10) nelchp [-] (11) nchp [-] (12) PHR [-] (13) PESR [-] (14) Toout [oC] (15) mo [kg/s] (16) Twoout [oC] (17) mw [kg/s] (18) Aevap [m^2] (19) Acond [m^2]
     148.519152         9.253894         16.742495          5.918559    0.117315    0.819801     26564.547418       2.091342       0.838550        0.100305      0.938855     0.119617      0.190727       76.298702       0.974274        60.864612       2.447578         1.892059         2.023517


#(1) Tevap [oC] (2) DTsuper [oC] (3) DTppevap [oC] (4) DTppcond [oC] (5) nth [-] (6) nex [-] (7) wnet [kJ/kg] (8) mwf [kg/s] (9) nthchp [-] (10) nelchp [-] (11) nchp [-] (12) PHR [-] (13) PESR [-] (14) Toout [oC] (15) mo [kg/s] (16) Twoout [oC] (17) mw [kg/s] (18) Aevap [m^2] (19) Acond [m^2]
     178.491873         8.061367         17.725536          5.478487    0.136583    0.843387     68534.805634       0.810618       0.820246        0.116779      0.937025     0.142370      0.209648       78.618217       0.844249        67.467127       1.770176         1.957984         1.699375


#(1) Tevap [oC] (2) DTsuper [oC] (3) DTppevap [oC] (4) DTppcond [oC] (5) nth [-] (6) nex [-] (7) wnet [kJ/kg] (8) mwf [kg/s] (9) nthchp [-] (10) nelchp [-] (11) nchp [-] (12) PHR [-] (13) PESR [-] (14) Toout [oC] (15) mo [kg/s] (16) Twoout [oC] (17) mw [kg/s] (18) Aevap [m^2] (19) Acond [m^2]
     227.881346         6.390844         21.097316          5.927053    0.183182    0.871473    106815.328762       0.520108       0.775977        0.156620      0.932598     0.201836      0.251947       90.943453       0.660987        63.128907       1.374341         2.673516         1.218769

删除尺寸比例命令会稍微改变尺寸。但是问题仍然存在。终端 wxt 是一场灾难,而终端 qt 的结果是相似的。

我在 Windows 10 64 位上使用 5.4 补丁级别 3。 提前谢谢你。

按照 theozh 和 Ethan 的建议解决了这个问题。终端更改为 qt,标题和标签被偏移,边距使用 set margins 命令定义。由于某种原因,设置 tmargin/bmargin/lmargin/rmargin 无效。

我认为获得更多 space 情节的最简单方法是 set margins 根据口味调整特定值。我不能完全重现你的情节,但我遇到的最大问题是定位键,使其不与情节内容重叠。我通过添加

 set margins 4,4,4,4
 set key at graph 0.75, 1.00 top left


 set paxis 2 label offset 4