在 Python 中按组应用加权滚动平均值时出错

Error applying a weighted rolling average by group in Python


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'player_ID': {0: 123,
  1: 123,
  2: 123,
  3: 123,
  4: 123,
  5: 456,
  6: 456,
  7: 456,
  8: 456,
  9: 456},
 'hole_sg': {0: 3.14,
  1: 2.70,
  2: 5.20,
  3: -0.02,
  4: 2.09,
  5: -2.92,
  6: -2.01,
  7: 3.02,
  8: -0.72,
  9: -1.77}})


import numpy as np
weights = np.array([0.66342043, 0.6983373 , 0.73509189])

我用来计算加权平均值的代码(如下所示)在我不分组时有效,但我希望能够按 'player_ID'

df['rolling'] = df.groupby('player_ID')['hole_sg'].rolling(3).apply(lambda x: (np.dot(x, weights)/weights).sum())


TypeError: incompatible index of inserted column with frame index


当您 groupby 并使用 rolling 时,您会得到一个 MultiIndex。要与原始 DataFrame 对齐,您可以使用:

df["rolling"] = df.groupby('player_ID')['hole_sg'].rolling(3).apply(lambda x: (np.dot(x, weights))/weights.sum()).droplevel(0)

>>> df
   player_ID  hole_sg   rolling
0        123     3.14       NaN
1        123     2.70       NaN
2        123     5.20  3.715635
3        123    -0.02  2.579053
4        123     2.09  2.371253
5        456    -2.92       NaN
6        456    -2.01       NaN
7        456     3.02 -0.534549
8        456    -0.72  0.117432
9        456    -1.77  0.095197