
Regex split boolean string by boolean operators


示例: boolean_string = "'larsen and turbo' and fullsta'ck or \"ruby\" and \"ruby or rails\""

预期输出: ['larsen and turbo', and, fullsta'ck, or, ruby, and, ruby or rails]

目前正在尝试使用以下代码片段,但无法在引号内转义运算符。 boolean_string.split(/\b(and|or)\b/)

如何在引号内转义 andor's。`


boolean_string = "'larsen and turbo' and fullsta'ck or \"ruby\" and \"ruby or rails\""
reg = %r{
  (?:                # outer-group to use "|" for multiple matches
    ['"]([^'"]+)['"] # words inside quotes
    |([\w']+)        # other words

boolean_string.scan(reg).flat_map(&:compact) # => ["larsen and turbo", "and", "fullsta'ck", "or", "ruby", "and", "ruby or rails"]