如何在每个 sheet word 文档 C# 上写下所需的第一行
How to write the desired first line on each sheet word document C#
如何将文本插入 Word 文档(使用 C# Interop)以便每个 sheet 的第一行都有题词,例如“table 的延续”?我想这样做...
var rng = docDocument.Range();
int LineCount = rng.ComputeStatistics(Word.WdStatistic.wdStatisticLines);
for (int ii = 1; ii < LineCount; ii++)
CurrentPageNumber = (Convert.ToInt32(ii.ToString()));
NextPageNumber = (Convert.ToInt32((ii + 1).ToString()));
// Get start position of current page
Start = oWord.Selection.GoTo(ref What, ref Which, ref CurrentPageNumber, ref Miss).Start;
// Get end position of current page
End = oWord.Selection.GoTo(ref What, ref Which, ref NextPageNumber, ref Miss).End;
var rng_page = docDocument.Range(Start, End);
string textLine = rng_page.Text;
var line_rng = docDocument.Range(unit);
string textline_line = line_rng.Text;
catch (Exception ex)
_ = ex.Message;
for (int Index = 2; Index <= PagesCount; Index++)
CurrentPageNumber = (Convert.ToInt32(Index.ToString()));
Word.Range range1 = docDocument.GoTo(ref objWhat, ref objWhich, CurrentPageNumber, ref Miss);
Word.Range range2 = range1.GoTo(Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToLine);
object objStart = range1.Start;
object objEnd = range2.End;
//string str = docDocument.Range(ref objStart, ref objEnd).Text;
range1.Text = "new_TEXT_new_TXET\n";
在您的代码顶部,我将其添加为 using 上下文,因此您可以使用 WordAutomation[=20] 的 shorthand 名称=] 而不是较长的 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word,正如您将在函数中看到的那样。
using WordAutomation = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
protected void TestWordAuto()
// I just sampled with a bogus Word Document with some text
// in it and put on my desktop, you can obviously change
var wordSampleFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "TestAuto1.docx");
// Create an instance of a word, make it visible to see
// what is happening throughout if you want to, and
// open / activate the file
var wrd = new WordAutomation.Application();
wrd.Visible = true;
// Object handle to active document
var holdMainDoc = wrd.ActiveDocument;
// Get a "Selection" object of the current document
var sel = wrd.Selection;
// Now, we can do a loop through all the pages starting at the end
var lastPageNumber = 1;
// Go to the top of each page
sel.GoTo(WordAutomation.WdGoToItem.wdGoToPage, WordAutomation.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToNext, null, lastPageNumber);
// Insert some text
sel.TypeText($"Some Text At top of page {lastPageNumber}\r");
// Add to page counter loop in document
// Keep going until the page number we just finished
// was the last page in the document.
} while (lastPageNumber < holdMainDoc.Words.Last.Information[WordAutomation.WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber]);
如何将文本插入 Word 文档(使用 C# Interop)以便每个 sheet 的第一行都有题词,例如“table 的延续”?我想这样做...
var rng = docDocument.Range();
int LineCount = rng.ComputeStatistics(Word.WdStatistic.wdStatisticLines);
for (int ii = 1; ii < LineCount; ii++)
CurrentPageNumber = (Convert.ToInt32(ii.ToString()));
NextPageNumber = (Convert.ToInt32((ii + 1).ToString()));
// Get start position of current page
Start = oWord.Selection.GoTo(ref What, ref Which, ref CurrentPageNumber, ref Miss).Start;
// Get end position of current page
End = oWord.Selection.GoTo(ref What, ref Which, ref NextPageNumber, ref Miss).End;
var rng_page = docDocument.Range(Start, End);
string textLine = rng_page.Text;
var line_rng = docDocument.Range(unit);
string textline_line = line_rng.Text;
catch (Exception ex)
_ = ex.Message;
好像有什么东西动了... 但是每个新页面都有一两行新行。另外,由于正在编辑的文件有大量的sheet,需要额外的行和额外的sheet,所以不再对这些sheet执行此功能。
for (int Index = 2; Index <= PagesCount; Index++)
CurrentPageNumber = (Convert.ToInt32(Index.ToString()));
Word.Range range1 = docDocument.GoTo(ref objWhat, ref objWhich, CurrentPageNumber, ref Miss);
Word.Range range2 = range1.GoTo(Word.WdGoToItem.wdGoToLine);
object objStart = range1.Start;
object objEnd = range2.End;
//string str = docDocument.Range(ref objStart, ref objEnd).Text;
range1.Text = "new_TEXT_new_TXET\n";
在您的代码顶部,我将其添加为 using 上下文,因此您可以使用 WordAutomation[=20] 的 shorthand 名称=] 而不是较长的 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word,正如您将在函数中看到的那样。
using WordAutomation = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
protected void TestWordAuto()
// I just sampled with a bogus Word Document with some text
// in it and put on my desktop, you can obviously change
var wordSampleFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "TestAuto1.docx");
// Create an instance of a word, make it visible to see
// what is happening throughout if you want to, and
// open / activate the file
var wrd = new WordAutomation.Application();
wrd.Visible = true;
// Object handle to active document
var holdMainDoc = wrd.ActiveDocument;
// Get a "Selection" object of the current document
var sel = wrd.Selection;
// Now, we can do a loop through all the pages starting at the end
var lastPageNumber = 1;
// Go to the top of each page
sel.GoTo(WordAutomation.WdGoToItem.wdGoToPage, WordAutomation.WdGoToDirection.wdGoToNext, null, lastPageNumber);
// Insert some text
sel.TypeText($"Some Text At top of page {lastPageNumber}\r");
// Add to page counter loop in document
// Keep going until the page number we just finished
// was the last page in the document.
} while (lastPageNumber < holdMainDoc.Words.Last.Information[WordAutomation.WdInformation.wdActiveEndPageNumber]);