
Converting self-defined type to a string

我正在开发一个函数 goPosition 来将我的自定义数据类型:Position 转换为 String。虽然我觉得我说得有道理,但是编译器不同意我的看法。


data Position = Pos Char Int


goPosition (Pos ('H' 3))

编译器 returns :

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Position’
                with actual type ‘Int -> Position’
    Probable cause: ‘Pos’ is applied to too few arguments
    In the first argument of ‘goPosition’, namely ‘(Pos ('H' 3))’
    In the expression: goPosition (Pos ('H' 3))

    Couldn't match expected type ‘Integer -> Char’
                with actual type ‘Char’
    The function ‘'H'’ is applied to one argument,
    but its type ‘Char’ has none
    In the first argument of ‘Pos’, namely ‘('H' 3)’
    In the first argument of ‘goPosition’, namely ‘(Pos ('H' 3))’


是的,我输入错了。应该是 goPosition (Pos 'H' 3)