使用从字符串列中选择的关键字构成 pandas DataFrame 的一个热编码类型列

Using selected keywords from a string column to form one hot encoding type columns of pandas DataFrame


index ignore_x ignore_y phrases
0 43 23 cat eats mice
1 1.3 33 water is pure
2 13 63 machine learning
3 15 35 where there is a will, there is a way


keywords = [cat, is]


index x_ignore y_ignore phrases kw_cat kw_is
0 43 23 cat eats mice 0 0
1 1.3 33 water is pure 0 0
2 13 63 machine learning 0 0
3 15 35 where there is a will, there is a way 0 0

扫描每个短语的单词,如果存在,则 returns 列为真或得到 1。(另一种方法也可以计算出现次数,但现在让我们保持简单)

index x_ignore y_ignore phrases kw_cat kw_is
0 43 23 cat eats mice 1 0
1 1.3 33 water is pure 0 1
2 13 63 machine learning 0 0
3 15 35 where there is a will, there is a way 0 1

我一直在尝试什么? 松散地,我一直在尝试做这样的事情

for row, element in enumerate(df):
    for item in keywords:
        if item in df['phrases'].str.split(' '):
            df.loc[row, element] = 1

但这对我没有帮助。它宁愿在那些虚拟变量上给我一个 1s 的对角线。


编辑:只是加粗了关键字以帮助你们快速浏览 :)


import nltk

keywords = ['cat', 'is']

tokenize = df['phrases'].apply(nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize)

0                                    [cat, eats, mice]
1                                    [water, is, pure]
2                                  [machine, learning]
3    [where, there, is, a, will, ,, there, is, a, way]


for keyword in keywords:
    df[f'kw_{keyword}'] = tokenize.apply(lambda lst: int(keyword in lst))

   index  ignore_x  ignore_y                                phrases  kw_cat  kw_is
0      0      43.0        23                          cat eats mice       1      0
1      1       1.3        33                          water is pure       0      1
2      2      13.0        63                       machine learning       0      0
3      3      15.0        35  where there is a will, there is a way       0      1
a_cat = df['phrases'].str.find('cat') != -1
a_is = df['phrases'].str.find('is') != -1

df.loc[df[a_cat == True].index, 'kw_cat'] = 1
df.loc[df[a_is == True].index, 'kw_is'] = 1


   index  x_ignore  ...  kw_cat kw_is
0      0      43.0  ...       1     0
1      1       1.3  ...       0     1
2      2      13.0  ...       0     0
3      3      15.0  ...       0     1


keywords = ['cat', 'is']
ttt = 'kw_'
for i in keywords:
    a = df['phrases'].str.find(i)
    df.loc[df[a >= 0].index, ttt+i] = 1


这是一种解决方法。 由于短语是字符串,将它们转换为在新列下列出(在我的例子中是 phrases2)。 Explode 将列表元素转换为单独的行,这些元素根据关键字进行过滤。 get_dummies 将分类数据转换为列,最后删除重复项

df2 = df
df2['phrases2'] = df2['phrases'].apply(lambda x:   x.split(' ') )
df2=df2.explode('phrases2' )
pd.get_dummies(df2, columns=['phrases2']).drop_duplicates()
    index   ignore_x    ignore_y    phrases                             phrases2_cat phrases2_is
0       0   43            23        cat eats mice                               1     0
1       1   1.3           33        water is pure                               0     1
3       3   15            35        where there is a will, there is a way       0     1