Firebase 函数查询和更新单个 Firestore 文档

Firebase Function query and update a single Firestore document

我正在尝试使用查询从 Firebase 函数更新用户的 firestore 文档,但在使其正常工作时遇到问题。我的函数代码如下:

const functions = require('firebase-functions');

// The Firebase Admin SDK to access Firestore.
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

 * A webhook handler function for the relevant Stripe events.

// Here would be the function that calls updatePlan and passes it the customer email,
// I've omitted it to simplify the snippet

const updatePlan = async (customerEmail) => {

  await admin.firestore()
    .collection('users').where('email', '==', customerEmail).get()
    .then((doc) => {
      const ref = doc.ref;
      ref.update({ 'purchasedTemplateOne': true });

当查询为 运行:

时,我在 firebase 日志中收到以下错误

Exception from a finished function: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'update')



我能够通过更深入地了解 Firestore 查询来解决我的问题:

const updatePlan = (customerEmail) => {

  const customerQuery = admin.firestore().collection("users").where("email", "==", customerEmail)
  customerQuery.get().then(querySnapshot => {
    if (!querySnapshot.empty) {
      // Get just the one customer/user document
      const snapshot =[0]
      // Reference of customer/user doc
      const documentRef = snapshot.ref
      documentRef.update({ 'purchasedTemplateOne': true })
      functions.logger.log("User Document Updated:", documentRef);
    else {
      functions.logger.log("User Document Does Not Exist");


错误消息告诉您 doc.ref 未定义。对象 doc.

上没有 属性 ref

这可能是因为您误解了 Firestore 查询生成的对象。即使您期望的是单个文档,过滤查询也可以 return 零个或多个文档。这些文档始终以 QuerySnapshot 类型的对象表示。这就是 doc 实际上是 - 一个 QuerySnapshot - 所以你需要这样对待它。

也许你应该检查 size of the result set before you access the docs array to see what's returned by the query. This is covered in the documentation