让 Action Scheduler 能够在几秒钟内完成 运行?

Make Action Scheduler to be able to run in seconds?

我想将 Action Scheduler 设置为每 30 秒 运行,但它只有 1 分钟作为其间隔的最低可能选择。

我怎样才能 customize/change 它可以 运行 秒?


  1. 继承ir.cron模型添加seconds选择。

  2. seconds 添加到 _intervalTypes 以使其与 seconds 选择兼容。

  3. 将原来的_process_job复制到这里替换,这样修改后的_intervalTypesseconds属性就存在了[=19] =]

  4. 安装了这个自定义模块。


from odoo import models, fields, api
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import pytz

_intervalTypes = {
    'days': lambda interval: relativedelta(days=interval),
    'hours': lambda interval: relativedelta(hours=interval),
    'weeks': lambda interval: relativedelta(days=7*interval),
    'months': lambda interval: relativedelta(months=interval),
    'minutes': lambda interval: relativedelta(minutes=interval),
    'seconds': lambda interval: relativedelta(seconds=interval),

class IrCronInherit(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'ir.cron'

    interval_type = fields.Selection([
        ('seconds', 'Seconds'),
        ('minutes', 'Minutes'),
        ('hours', 'Hours'),
        ('days', 'Days'),
        ('weeks', 'Weeks'),
        ('months', 'Months')], string='Interval Unit', default='months')

    def _process_job(cls, job_cr, job, cron_cr):
        """ Run a given job taking care of the repetition.

        :param job_cr: cursor to use to execute the job, safe to commit/rollback
        :param job: job to be run (as a dictionary).
        :param cron_cr: cursor holding lock on the cron job row, to use to update the next exec date,
            must not be committed/rolled back!
        with api.Environment.manage():
                cron = api.Environment(job_cr, job['user_id'], {
                    'lastcall': fields.Datetime.from_string(job['lastcall'])
                # Use the user's timezone to compare and compute datetimes,
                # otherwise unexpected results may appear. For instance, adding
                # 1 month in UTC to July 1st at midnight in GMT+2 gives July 30
                # instead of August 1st!
                now = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(cron, datetime.now())
                nextcall = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(cron, fields.Datetime.from_string(job['nextcall']))
                numbercall = job['numbercall']

                ok = False
                while nextcall < now and numbercall:
                    if numbercall > 0:
                        numbercall -= 1
                    if not ok or job['doall']:
                        cron._callback(job['cron_name'], job['ir_actions_server_id'], job['id'])
                    if numbercall:
                        nextcall += _intervalTypes[job['interval_type']](job['interval_number'])
                    ok = True
                addsql = ''
                if not numbercall:
                    addsql = ', active=False'
                cron_cr.execute("UPDATE ir_cron SET nextcall=%s, numbercall=%s, lastcall=%s"+addsql+" WHERE id=%s",(


现在,当我实际将它设置为 30 秒时,它运行不到一分钟,但不是一直运行在 30 秒,但它现在可以。