
How to record a string appear frequency faster using HashMap in Java?

我在研究决策树,算法有一部分是从文件中记录字符串频率。此文件有 30,000 个案例和 1.68MB 大小。

我尝试使用 HashMap 来做到这一点,在我的主要算法代码中,替换方法 运行 大约 9 亿次,花了我大约 30 秒。我有什么办法可以更快地做到这一点?


Map<String, Integer> classesCount = new HashMap<>();
int target = 900000000;

classesCount.put("a", 0);
classesCount.put("b", 0);

for(int i = 0; i < target; i++) {
    if (i % 2 == 0) {
        classesCount.replace("a", classesCount.get("a") + 1);
    else {
        classesCount.replace("b", classesCount.get("b") + 1);

为了让我的实际代码更清楚,我有一个 class 值,我在 main 方法中有一个值 class 的数组,这是值 class 如下.

public class Value<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Comparable<Value<T>> {
public T value;
public String result;

public Value(T value, String result) {
    this.value = value;
    this.result = result;

public int compareTo(Value<T> v) {
    return value.compareTo(v.value);


主要方法代码如下。假设 arrayOfValue 已经有很多元素并且每个值的结果只有“a”和“b”:

Map<String, Integer> classesCountA = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> classesCountB = new HashMap<>();
Value[] arrayOfValue = new Value[];
int splitIndex = 55;

classesCountA.put("a", 0);
classesCountA.put("b", 0);
classesCountB.put("a", 0);
classesCountB.put("b", 0);

for(int i = 0; i < arrayOfValue.length; i++) {
    if(i < splitIndex) {
        classesCountA.replace(arrayOfValue[i].result, classesCount.get(arrayOfValue[i].result) + 1);
    else {
        classesCountB.replace(arrayOfValue[i].result, classesCount.get(arrayOfValue[i].result) + 1);



class Frequency {
  int value;

Map<String, Frequency> frequencyMap = new HashMap<>();

//iterate over the words
for(String word : words) {
  //get the mutable frequency for each word
  Frequency f = frequencyMap.get(word);

  //if the entry doesn't exist yet put it into the map
  //(you could use computeIfAbsent but it would be slower
  if( f == null ) {
     f = new Frequency();
     frequencyMap.put(word, f);

  //just mutate the frequency - no need to change the map again

在我的机器上,这比 replace(key, get(key) + 1) 方法快大约 5 倍。