在 PowerShell 中使用 7-Zip 测试存档的完整性

Test integrity of archive with 7-Zip in PowerShell

我正在尝试测试 ZIP 文件的完整性

看起来这个命令正在运行,但我得到了关于该文件的许多详细信息。 我想得到测试通过或失败的结果,以便进行下一步。

知道怎么做吗? 类似于:

$TestZip = 7z t \bandit\global\QA\AgileTeam\bandit\Builds.6.22.607.6.22.607.10.zip

if ($TestZip)
{The test passed}
{Test failed}


Path = \bandit\global\QA\AgileTeam\bandit\Builds.6.22.607.6.22.607.10.zip
Type = zip
Physical Size = 5738248794
64-bit = +
Characteristics = Zip64

Everything is Ok

Files: 902
Size:       5927324719
Compressed: 5738248794


$TestZip = 7z t \bandit\global\QA\AgileTeam\bandit\Builds.6.22.607.6.22.607.10.zip | set out
$ok = $out -like '*Everything is Ok*'

if ($ok) {write-host "Integrity test for Zip file passed"}

通过 exit code so just check it. No need to parse the output, you can just redirect the output to null 报告错误。在 PowerShell 中检查退出状态的方法是 $?$LASTEXITCODE

7z t $zip_file_path 2>$null 1>$null
if ($?) {
    echo "Success"
} else {
    echo "Failed"


在较旧的 PowerShell(7.1.x 及更早版本)中重定向标准错误时使用 if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) 而不是 if ($?) 以获得更可靠的结果


Contains the execution status of the last command. It contains True if the last command succeeded and False if it failed.


Contains the exit code of the last native program that was run.
