Discord Bot Slash 命令未出现在 Win10 上

Discord Bot Slash Command not appear on Win10

当我在 Windows 10 计算机上使用斜杠命令时,它没有出现。 但是在Android,它出现了!

这是最近的一个 Discord 错误,影响所有 API,包括 discord.py。换句话说,目前对此无能为力。这是 discord.py 开发人员留下的消息:

There are currently a couple of bug that prevent App (slash) commands from being registered or only a part of them do or the command registers but does not work. Or the guild_only/default_permissions kwargs/decorator was ignored. Started: 6 days ago Mobile clients are unaffected by this

There is an open forum by discord about this in the developers server (discord.gg/discord-developers) here: https://canary.discord.com/channels/613425648685547541/969042921024266240

And issues on the docs repo:

  1. https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/issues/4859
  2. https://github.com/discord/discord-api-docs/issues/4856

Confirmed by Danny here: https://canary.discord.com/channels/336642139381301249/669155775700271126/970063555544088596 (yes, this is important)

Things to check:

  1. Check the integration tab for your guild to see if the command is there if, continue else the command didn't sync.
  2. Try restarting discord, altering the permissions in the integration tab and re-syncing (button and code)