在 Pydantic 中,如何将我在基本模型中设置的标志应用到我的自定义类型?

In Pydantic, how do I apply the flags that I have set in my base model to my custom type?

在我的模型中,我有必填字段。用户尽量避免使用破折号 (-) 作为输入来填写这些字段。为了避免这种情况发生,我在 Pydantic 中编写了一个自定义字符串类型。自定义类型检查输入是否应更改为 None 并检查是否允许为 None。我遇到的问题是我的自定义类型不使用我的 BaseModel 的标志。如anystr_strip_whitespace,去掉字符串首尾的空格。我希望 BaseModel 的配置也应用于我的自定义类型。因此,我希望任何人都可以帮助我解决有关在自定义类型中应用 BaseModel 标志的问题。



class MyBaseModel(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        anystr_strip_whitespace = True

class EmptyStrToNone(str):
    def __get_validators__(cls):
        yield cls.change_empty_string_to_none

    def change_empty_string_to_none(cls, value: str, field: ModelField) -> Optional[str]:
        """If the field is Optional, the input which represents an empty string is set to None. 
        If the field is required, instead of returning None it raises an Exception."""
        is_required = field.required
        lowercase_value = str(value).lower()
        if is_required:
            # Faulty cases that raise an exception
            # E.g. check in a dictionary if it has a string such as "not specified" that represents an empty string.
        elif # Optional condition
            return None

        return str_validator(value)

您可以收到 config 并用它来决定是否应该删除 str。来自 Validators - pydantic:

A few things to note on validators:


  • you can also add any subset of the following arguments to the signature (the names must match):

    • [...]
    • config: the model config


from pydantic import BaseConfig, BaseModel
from pydantic.validators import str_validator

class MyStr(str):
    def __get_validators__(cls):
        yield str_validator
        yield cls._strip_whitespace
        # Yield more custom validators if needed

    def _strip_whitespace(cls, value: str, config: BaseConfig) -> str:
        if config.anystr_strip_whitespace:
            return value.strip()
        return value

class MyBaseModel(BaseModel):
    my_str: MyStr

    class Config:
        anystr_strip_whitespace = True

print(MyBaseModel(my_str=" a "))

