简化第 3 方组件道具?
Simplify 3rd party component prop?
我正在使用 React 组件 markdown-to-jsx
将降价字符串转换为 HTML。它能够获取我创建的自定义组件并使用它们来呈现自定义标签。然而,这样做的支持太冗长了,有点烦人,我希望简化它,但很难实现。
示例:我想将一个组件 Dice 添加到我的降价渲染中。这很完美,但是哇,需要大量输入:
import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx';
import Dice from './Dice';
<Markdown options={{ overrides: { Dice: { component: Dice } } }}>
哇,如果我想添加多个组件怎么办?丑陋的。于是,我有了一个想法:写一个组件,使用 markdown-to-jsx
并简化 props:
import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx';
(other imports)
// Take the original component and run a map to create that ugly verbose code.
function Md({ components, children }) {
const comps = components.map((c) => ({ [c.name]: { component: c } }));
return <Markdown options={{ overrides: { comps } }}>{children}</Markdown>;
<Md components={[Dice, Attack, Foo]}>
<Dice /> is using incorrect casing. Use PascalCase for React components, or lowercase for HTML elements.
Warning: The tag <Dice> is unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an uppercase letter
return 是一个数组,但 overrides
需要一个对象,在你的情况下你可以使用 component.reduce
const comps = components.reduce((accumulator, c) => {
accumulator[c.name] = {component: c};
return accumulator;
}, {});
return <Markdown options={{ overrides: comps }}>{children}</Markdown>;
我正在使用 React 组件 markdown-to-jsx
将降价字符串转换为 HTML。它能够获取我创建的自定义组件并使用它们来呈现自定义标签。然而,这样做的支持太冗长了,有点烦人,我希望简化它,但很难实现。
示例:我想将一个组件 Dice 添加到我的降价渲染中。这很完美,但是哇,需要大量输入:
import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx';
import Dice from './Dice';
<Markdown options={{ overrides: { Dice: { component: Dice } } }}>
哇,如果我想添加多个组件怎么办?丑陋的。于是,我有了一个想法:写一个组件,使用 markdown-to-jsx
并简化 props:
import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx';
(other imports)
// Take the original component and run a map to create that ugly verbose code.
function Md({ components, children }) {
const comps = components.map((c) => ({ [c.name]: { component: c } }));
return <Markdown options={{ overrides: { comps } }}>{children}</Markdown>;
<Md components={[Dice, Attack, Foo]}>
<Dice /> is using incorrect casing. Use PascalCase for React components, or lowercase for HTML elements.
Warning: The tag <Dice> is unrecognized in this browser. If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an uppercase letter
return 是一个数组,但 overrides
需要一个对象,在你的情况下你可以使用 component.reduce
const comps = components.reduce((accumulator, c) => {
accumulator[c.name] = {component: c};
return accumulator;
}, {});
return <Markdown options={{ overrides: comps }}>{children}</Markdown>;