
How can I check the last elements of a string and fix my code?


isunderscore :: Char -> Bool
isunderscore a 
 |a == '_' = True
 |otherwise = False

identifier :: String -> Bool
identifier (x:xs) = isLetter x && ( all isLetter xs || all isunderscore xs || all isDigit xs )
identifier _ = False

x 是一个字符串。您使用 last :: [a] -> a to obtain the last element. But here you need to check if all remaining elements satisfy a certain predicate. This means that you can work with all :: Foldable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> Bool。您可以使用 (x:xs) 进行模式匹配以获得对头部和尾部的访问,然后使用 all 检查尾部的所有元素是否都满足某个谓词,因此:

identifier :: String -> Bool
identifier (x:xs) = isLetter x && <strong>all … xs</strong>
identifier _ = False

您需要在其中实施 部分。