java.util.scanner 有字符

java.util.scanner with chars

我正在尝试使用面向对象编程创建迷宫查找算法。我将迷宫存储在一个文件中,我希望该文件在解决迷宫之前读取迷宫并打印出来(我知道用其他方式更容易,但我必须使用文件 reader)。但是,我的 charAt 函数不起作用,我不确定如何让 fileReader 读取字符。如果有人能提供一个很棒的解决方案:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
    public static Maze maze;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<char[]> mazeArray = new ArrayList<char[]>();
        try {
            File myMaze = new File("maze.txt");
            Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(myMaze);
            while (fileReader.hasNextLine()) {
                char[] mazeLayout = new char[(int) myMaze.length()];
                for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++){
                    for (int j = 1; j < myMaze.length(); j++){
                        mazeLayout[i] =;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("File does not exist.");
        maze = new Maze(mazeArray);


xx xxxxxxx
xx  xxxxxx
xxx xxxxxx
xxxx    xx
xxxxx x xx
xxxx  x  x
xxxx xxx x
xxxxxx   x
xxxxx  xxx
xxxxx xxxx

那么你不需要 char[] 数组,你可以将每一行存储到 ArrayList 中,然后它将是一个字符串的 ArrayList (ArrayList<String>)。现在只需将数组列表中的每个元素打印到控制台 window。我只是不知道,所以......我们只是 假设 就像上面的一样,但我们会把每一行都转换成一个 char[] 数组,因为你似乎想用角色来做这个。考虑到这一点...


  1. 逐行读取文件。
  2. 读取每一行并将其转换为 char 数组。
  3. 获取此数组并将其添加到 mazeArray ArrayList。
  4. 将 ArrayList (mazeArray) 的内容打印到控制台 window.
// ArrayList to hold the Maze from file.
ArrayList<char[]> mazeArray = new ArrayList<>();

// `Try With Resources` used here to auto-close reader and free resources.
try (Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(new File("maze.txt"))) {
    // String variable to hold each line read in
    String line;
    // Loop through the whole file line by line...
    while (fileReader.hasNextLine()) {
        // Task 1: Apply current line read to the `line` variable.
        line = fileReader.nextLine().trim(); // Remove any leading/trailing spaces as well.
        // Make sure the line isn't blank (if any). You don't want those.
        if (line.isEmpty()) {
            continue;  // Go to the top of loop and read in next line.
        // Task #2: Convert the String in the variable `line` to a char[] array.
        char[] chars = line.toCharArray();
        // Task #3: Add the `chars` character array to the `mazeArray` ArrayList.
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(yourClassName.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

/* Task #4: Print the maze contained within the `mazeArray` ArrayList
   to the Console Window.       */
// Outer loop to get each char[] array within the ArrayList.
for (char[] characters : mazeArray) {
    // Inner loop to get each character within the current char[] array.
    for (char c : characters) {
        System.out.print(c); //Print each character on the same console row.
    System.out.println(); // Start a new line in console.