有没有办法改善 git-diff 输出?

Is there a way to improve git-diff output?


=head3 POST /throw/rock

Take a rock, throw it. Well done, you.

=head4 Input


=item direction

Compass point or something.

=item speed

In km/h to annoy home counties people who still think in mp/h.


=head4 Output


=head3 POST /throw/rock

=for doc-viewer input-from POST /drive/tank

Take a rock, throw it. Well done, you.

=head4 Output


git 中是否有强制其不破坏补丁的选项。我希望这样的结果:

 =head3 POST /throw/rock
+=for doc-viewer input-from POST /drive/tank
-Take a rock, throw it. Well done, you.
-=head4 Input
-=item direction
-Compass point or something.
-=item speed
-In km/h to annoy home counties people who still think in mp/h.
+Take a rock, throw it. Well done, you.
 =head4 Output


@@ -1,22 +1,10 @@
 =head3 POST /throw/rock

+=for doc-viewer input-from POST /drive/tank
 Take a rock, throw it. Well done, you.

-=head4 Input
-=item direction
-Compass point or something.
-=item speed
-In km/h to annoy home counties people who still think in mp/h.
 =head4 Output