GORM select 预加载的特定列

GORM select certain column with preload


type QuestionHeader struct {
  QuestionHeaderId int    `gorm:"primaryKey;column:question_id" json:"question_id"`
  LevelId          int    `gorm:"column:level_id" json:"level_id"`
  SubjectId        int    `gorm:"column:subject_id" json:"subject_id"`
  QuestionBody     []QuestionBody
  QuestionSolution []QuestionSolution
  OtherColumn1A    string
  OtherColumn2A    string

type QuestionBody struct {
  QuestionBody  int    `gorm:"primaryKey;column:question_id" json:"question_id"`
  Value         string `gorm:"column:value" json:"value"`
  Type          string `gorm:"column:type" json:"type"`
  OtherColumn1B string
  OtherColumn2B string

type QuestionSolution struct {
  QuestionSolutionId int    `gorm:"primaryKey;column:question_id" json:"question_id"`
  Value              string `gorm:"column:value" json:"value"`
  Type               string `gorm:"column:type" json:"type"`
  OtherColumn1C      string
  OtherColumn2c      string


  Preload("QuestionHeader.QuestionBody", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
      return db.Where("question_body.status = ?", 1) 
       // I only want to select certain column here
  Preload("QuestionHeader.QuestionSolution", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
      return db.Where("question_solution.status = ?", 1) 
       // I only want to select certain column here
  Where("level_id = ?", 2).
  Find(&questionHeaders)  // I only want to select certain column here

但是该代码的问题是,我将 select 所有基于我的模型的列 属性

如果我只想 select 预加载特定列怎么办? 例如,我只想 select type for QuestionBody

我知道您可以按照 docs 中的描述为 select 语句创建另一个结构,但是还有其他方法吗? 我不想为每个 select 语句创建一个结构




  • 您没有在 QuestionHeader 中为 QuestionBodyQuestionSolution
  • 定义的 many2many 关联
  • 在查询中您正在使用 status 列,但我似乎没有在 QuestionBodyQuestionSolution
  • 中定义它们
  • QuestionBody
  • 中将 QuestionBody id 列重命名为 QuestionBodyId


type QuestionHeader struct {
  QuestionHeaderId int                `gorm:"primaryKey;column:question_id" json:"question_id"`
  LevelId          int                `gorm:"column:level_id" json:"level_id"`
  SubjectId        int                `gorm:"column:subject_id" json:"subject_id"`
  QuestionBody     []QuestionBody     `gorm:"many2many:question_header_question_bodies;"`
  QuestionSolution []QuestionSolution `gorm:"many2many:question_header_question_solutions;"`
  OtherColumn1A    string
  OtherColumn2A    string

type QuestionBody struct {
  QuestionBodyId  int   `gorm:"primaryKey;column:question_id" json:"question_id"`
  Value         string  `gorm:"column:value" json:"value"`
  Type          string  `gorm:"column:type" json:"type"`
  Status        uint8   `gorm:"column:status;default:0" json:"status"`
  OtherColumn1B string
  OtherColumn2B string

type QuestionSolution struct {
  QuestionSolutionId int    `gorm:"primaryKey;column:question_id" json:"question_id"`
  Value              string `gorm:"column:value" json:"value"`
  Type               string `gorm:"column:type" json:"type"`
  Status             uint8  `gorm:"column:status;default:0" json:"status"`
  OtherColumn1C      string
  OtherColumn2c      string
var questionHeaders QuestionHeader
  Preload("QuestionBody", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    return db.Where("Status = ?", 1).Select("QuestionBodyId", "Value")
  Preload("QuestionSolution", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
    return db.Where("Status = ?", 1).Select("QuestionSolutionId", "Value")
  Where("level_id = ?", 2).

在 Preload Select 中,我们必须包含 gorm 的唯一主键以唯一标识关联的结构切片