如何使用 Xpath 获取下面 HTML 中的 P 标记?谢谢

How do I get to P tag in the below HTML using Xpath ? Thanks

I want to assert **"sorry you cant Sorry, you do not have access the to the requested page** but I am not able to reach there..  

我可以到这里: //*[@id="page"]/child::div/following-sibling::section/


> <section id="page" class="same-as-sidebar ng-scope" ng-class="{
>             'hide-mainnav' : (Engine.hideMainNav == true),
>             'not-loaded': (!Engine.readyAnimate == true)
>             }" ui-view="content" style="">
>                         <div class="main ng-scope">
>                             <!-- uiView: content --><section ui-view="content" class="ng-scope">
>                         <div class="main ng-scope">
>                             <!-- uiView: content --><section ui-view="content" class="ng-scope">
>                                 <div class="row ng-scope">
>                                     <div class="col-md-12">
>                                         <h1 style="
>                                             font-weight:bold;
>                                             font-size:0px;
>                                             width:100%;
>                                             text-align:center;
>                                             color:black;
>                                         ">
>                                             404 &nbsp;
>                                         </h1>
>                                         <img style="max-width:400px;margin:20px auto;display:block;" alt="404"
> src="/1124px-NL_Route_404.svg.png">
>                                         <p style="margin:20px auto;width:100%;display:block;text-align:center;">Sorry, you do not
> have access the to the requested page</p>
>                                         <div class="row">


查找带有@id-attribute 的元素总是好的。它们应该是唯一的,并且 XPath 引擎可能会最快地找到它们。所以这是橡木味的。

由于我假设 div 的顺序和数量各不相同,并且在本示例中呈现的部分似乎没有关闭,所以我将使用此 XPath:

//*[@id="page"]//p[text()='Sorry, you do not have access the to the requested page']