使用坐标变化和 scipy 插值旋转 2D 图像

Rotating a 2D image using change of coordinates and scipy interpolation



1 - 创建倾斜圆盘的图像。

2 - 在 x 和 y 上应用坐标变化以获得新的坐标系。

3 - 在这些坐标处进行二维插值。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import cos as cos
from numpy import sin as sin
import scipy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

def coord_change(qu, qv, inclination_tmp, ang_tmp):
    ang             = ang_tmp*np.pi/180
    inclination     = inclination_tmp*np.pi/180
    new_qu          = (qu*cos(ang)+qv*sin(ang))*cos(inclination)
    new_qv          = -qu*sin(ang)+qv*cos(ang)

    new_q = np.sqrt((new_qu)**2 + (new_qv)**2)

    return new_qu, new_qv, new_q    

def imaging_model(rho,I_profile, R_image, **kwargs):
    method        = kwargs.get('method', 'linear')    

    xv = np.linspace(-R_image, R_image, len(rho)*2, endpoint=False) # Taille de la fenetre

    interpol_index = interp1d(rho, I_profile,kind=method)    
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xv, xv)
    profilegrid2 = np.zeros(X.shape, float)
    current_radius = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
    cond=np.logical_and(current_radius<=max(rho),current_radius>=min(rho)) # Min et max des données
    profilegrid2[cond] = interpol_index(current_radius[cond])    

    return xv, profilegrid2  

champ       = 80 # mas 
diam         = 10 # mas
nb_points    = 100 
rho          = np.linspace(0,champ/2,nb_points)

inclin = 20
angle  = 0

I_profile              = np.zeros(nb_points)
I_profile[rho<=diam/2] = 1

xv, image = imaging_model(rho, I_profile, champ/2)


x_mod, y_mod, x_tot_mod = coord_change(xv, xv, inclin, angle)

f_image = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(xv, xv, image)

image_mod = f_image(x_mod,y_mod)





import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy import cos as cos
from numpy import sin as sin
import scipy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

def coord_rotation(qu, qv, ang_tmp):
    ang             = ang_tmp*np.pi/180
    new_qu          = qu*cos(ang)+qv*sin(ang)
    new_qv          = -qu*sin(ang)+qv*cos(ang)

    new_q = np.sqrt((new_qu)**2 + (new_qv)**2)

    return new_qu, new_qv, new_q    

def coord_inclination(qu, qv, inclination_tmp):
    inclination     = inclination_tmp*np.pi/180
    new_qu          = qu*cos(inclination)
    new_qv          = qv

    new_q = np.sqrt((new_qu)**2 + (new_qv)**2)

    return new_qu, new_qv, new_q    

def imaging_model(rho,I_profile, R_image, **kwargs):
    method        = kwargs.get('method', 'linear')    

    xv = np.linspace(-R_image, R_image, len(rho)*2, endpoint=False) # Taille de la fenetre

    interpol_index = interp1d(rho, I_profile,kind=method)    
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xv, xv)
    profilegrid2 = np.zeros(X.shape, float)
    current_radius = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
    cond=np.logical_and(current_radius<=max(rho),current_radius>=min(rho)) # Min et max des données
    profilegrid2[cond] = interpol_index(current_radius[cond])    

    return xv, profilegrid2  

champ       = 80 # mas 
diam         = 10 # mas
nb_points    = 100 
rho          = np.linspace(0,champ/2,nb_points)

inclin = 30
angle  = 40

I_profile              = np.zeros(nb_points)
I_profile[rho<=diam/2] = 1

xv, image = imaging_model(rho, I_profile, champ/2)


x_inc, y_inc, x_tot_inc = coord_inclination(xv, xv, inclin)
f_inc = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(xv, xv, image)
image_inc = f_inc(x_inc,y_inc)

x_rot, y_rot, x_tot_rot = coord_rotation(xv, xv, angle)
f_rot = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(xv, xv, image_inc)
image_rot = f_rot(x_rot,x_rot)

plt.imshow(image, extent=[min(xv),max(xv),min(xv),max(xv)])

plt.imshow(image_inc, extent=[min(xv),max(xv),min(xv),max(xv)])
plt.title('After inclination')

plt.imshow(image_rot , extent=[min(xv),max(xv),min(xv),max(xv)])
plt.title('After inclination + rotation')



倾斜 30° 和旋转 40° 后:问题


champ       = 80 # mas 
diam         = 40 # mas
nb_points    = 20 
rho          = np.linspace(0,champ/2,nb_points)

inclin = 50
angle  = 30

问题 1:网格与 coordinate-aligned 网格

xv 在你的代码中是一个一维数组,数据位置是 xv 的每个元素与任何其他元素的任意组合——一个规则的矩形网格,与坐标轴。 倾斜变换时,x_incy_inc也是一维数组,数据移动到x_inc的任意元素与y_inc的任意元素的每一个组合。这可以正常工作,因为转换只会影响图像的 y 轴。这意味着对于 y 的每个值,x 坐标仍然是常数,并且对于 x 的每个值,y 坐标是常数。

然而,旋转打破了这一规则。这需要您使用 full-factorial 数据网格。

这意味着您无需将 xv, xv 传递给变换函数,而是需要为其提供一个完整的阶乘网格,例如创建通过 np.meshgrid。下面显示了您的代码实际在做什么,以及它如何解释数据(将分辨率降低到 20 以使数据点可辨别):

fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()

ax1.scatter(x_inc, y_inc, marker='.', c='b', s=2)
x_inc_full, y_inc_full = np.meshgrid(x_inc, y_inc)
ax1.scatter(x_inc_full, y_inc_full, marker='.', c='b', s=0.1)

ax1.scatter(x_rot, y_rot, marker='.', c='r', s=2)
x_rot_full, y_rot_full = np.meshgrid(x_rot, y_rot)
ax1.scatter(x_rot_full, y_rot_full, marker='.', c='r', s=0.1)


您可以看到代码采用对角线输入线和 stretches/rotates 它,然后 re-interprets 它作为网格。


# again, but doing the transformations on the mesh
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()

x_orig, y_orig = np.meshgrid(xv, xv)
x_incf, y_incf, xtot_inc = coord_inclination(x_orig, y_orig, inclin)
ax2.scatter(x_incf, y_incf, marker='.', c='b', s=0.2)

x_rotf, y_rotf, xtot_rot = coord_rotation(x_orig, y_orig, angle)
ax2.scatter(x_rotf, y_rotf, marker='.', c='r', s=0.2)




问题 2:转换并不像您认为的那样

如果您查看上图,您会注意到 x-axis 已被压缩,而不是 y 轴,但在您的倾斜图中圆比高更宽。


这意味着您所看到的实际上是您可能打算应用的变换的逆向变换。倾斜变换压缩了 x 轴,但生成的图像沿 x 轴拉伸了相同的量。这在您的原始图片中可见,但随着我使用的更新参数变得明显:


interp_incf = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(x_incf, y_incf, image)
image_incf = interp_incf(xv, xv)


问题 3:scipy 不喜欢在非 axis-parallel


我发现进行涉及任意网格的插值的唯一方法是 运行(呃...)循环我们想要插值到的所有点坐标:

# inclined
interp_orig = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(xv, xv, image)
image_incf = np.array([[interp_orig(x, y)  for x, y in zip(xline, yline)]\
                       for xline, yline in zip(x_incf, y_incf)]\

但是,上面的问题仍然存在问题编号 2(转换的方式是错误的)。但是,我们无法从 插入 一个 arbitrarily-deformed 网格。这意味着转换本身需要反转:

def inv_coord_rotation(qu, qv, ang_tmp):
    ang             = ang_tmp*np.pi/180
    inv_qu          = qu*cos(-ang)+qv*sin(-ang)
    inv_qv          = -qu*sin(-ang)+qv*cos(-ang)

    new_q = np.sqrt((inv_qu)**2 + (inv_qv)**2)

    return inv_qu, inv_qv, new_q    

def inv_coord_inclination(qu, qv, inclination_tmp):
    inclination     = inclination_tmp*np.pi/180
    inv_qu          = qu/cos(inclination)
    inv_qv          = qv

    inv_q = np.sqrt((inv_qu)**2 + (inv_qv)**2)

    return inv_qu, inv_qv, inv_q


# and now for the pictures, with interpolation applied in correct direction:
fig3, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3)

# interpolator for the original image:
interp_orig = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(xv, xv, image)

# inclined
interp_orig = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(xv, xv, image)
image_incf = np.array([[interp_orig(x, y)  for x, y in zip(xline, yline)]\
                       for xline, yline in zip(x_incfi, y_incfi)]\
axes[0].imshow(image_incf, extent=[min(xv),max(xv),min(xv),max(xv)])
# should be identical to the original inclined version, image_inc

# rotated version of the inclined image
interp_incf = scipy.interpolate.interp2d(xv, xv, image_incf)
x_rotfi, y_rotfi, xtot_rotfi = inv_coord_rotation(x_orig, y_orig, angle)
image_rotf = np.array([[interp_incf(x, y)  for x, y in zip(xline, yline)]\
                       for xline, yline in zip(x_rotfi, y_rotfi)]\
axes[1].imshow(image_rotf, extent=[min(xv),max(xv),min(xv),max(xv)])


...我只是尝试将这两个变换结合起来,以避免插入 already-interpolated 图像,这并不简单,因为它需要您在旋转后应用“倾斜”变换 space,然后事情变得很奇怪。

可能可以使用实现一个函数,该函数采用 non-inverted 转换后的像素坐标并从那里计算出逆变换,但实际上,此时我们只是在处理 scipy.interpolate ,类似于我自己的 odyssey with it. I think the general recommendation if you're dealing with images is to use Pillow,但这超出了我自己的经验。