
Typescript calling conditional typed function within another function

我试图制作一个条件类型的函数,并遇到 , but unfortunately (默认值位于何处无关紧要),所以我听从了那里的建议并改用重载。


// This works:
// Conditional type function with default value
// according to 
type UnionType="one"|"two"|"three";
// function check(t?:"one"):1; // Does not matter
function check(t:"one"):1;
function check(t:"two"):2;
function check(t:"three"):3;
function check(t:UnionType="one") {
    return 1;
  }else if(t=="two"){
    return 2;
  }else if(t=="three"){
    return 3;
  return 1;

// This gives error:
// Calling that conditional type function within another function,
// using the same union type, but only one call
function check2(t:UnionType):1|2|3 {
  return check(t);// <--- complain

// This works though:
// Calling that conditional type fucntion within another function,
// using multiply identical call (redundant type check)
function check3(t:UnionType):1|2|3 {
    return check(t);
  }else if(t=="two"){
    return check(t);
  }else if(t=="three"){
    return check(t);
  return check(t);

TypeScript playground

这段代码可以编译,但是你可以在操场上看到编译器抱怨 check2() 中的 check(t) 行不匹配任何重载,而 check3() 中没有问题,即使我们在这两个函数中做完全相同的事情,只是冗余类型检查。


我认为有一个不同的 可以解决您的问题。


Passing Unions to An Overload Typescript is not able to "split up" the union before checking it against your overload signatures. It is checking your variable of type Promise | string against each overload individually. The union is not assignable to either of its members so there is no overload signature that accepts Promise | string.

This is a known behavior and some of the GitHub issues about this date back years.

本质上,打字稿无法像您期望的那样将您的 UnionType 与每个重载进行比较。它在最后一个函数中起作用,因为您已经通过冗余值检查来保护类型,从而告诉打字稿 t 将仅是进入检查(t)之前的那些特定值,其中存在重载。

当您在没有这些冗余检查的情况下执行 check(t:UnionType) 时,它将不起作用,因为它正在比较 "one"|"two"|"three""one",然后与 "two",然后与 "two" "three"。这些比较不等同,因此失败了。