如何根据以下 table 从客户 ID 和产品代码中分组并将它们放在一行中?

How can I group by below table from Customer ID and Product Code and get them to one row?

如何根据客户 ID 和产品代码按以下 table 进行分组,并使用 Python 将它们分成一行,如下所示?

Customer ID Product Code Days since the last transaction
A 1 10
A 1 23
A 1 7
A 2 8
A 2 9
A 3 6
B 1 18
B 2 4
B 3 4
B 3 12
C 2 27
C 2 15

需要按客户 ID 和产品代码对它们进行分组以低于 table。

Customer ID Product Code D1 D2 D3
A 1 10 23 7
A 2 8 9 N/A
A 3 6 N/A N/A
B 1 18 N/A N/A
B 2 4 N/A N/A
B 3 4 12 N/A
C 2 27 15 N/A
df[''] = df.groupby(['Customer ID', 'Product Code']).cumcount()
df = df.pivot(index=['Customer ID', 'Product Code'], columns='')


                         Days since the last transaction
                                                       0     1    2
Customer ID Product Code
A           1                                       10.0  23.0  7.0
            2                                        8.0   9.0  NaN
            3                                        6.0   NaN  NaN
B           1                                       18.0   NaN  NaN
            2                                        4.0   NaN  NaN
            3                                        4.0  12.0  NaN
C           2                                       27.0  15.0  NaN

下面的 python 代码也适用于我。

#keep only the needed data
grouped = df.groupby(['Customer_ID','Product Code'], as_index=False).agg({"Days since the last transaction": lambda x: x.tolist()[:3]+[x.iat[-1]]}).explode("Days since the last transaction")

#get the count for the age columns
grouped["idx"] = grouped.groupby(['Customer_ID','Product Code']).cumcount().add(1)

#pivot to get the required structure
output = grouped.pivot(["Customer_ID","Product Code"],"idx","Days since the last transaction").add_prefix("Days since the last transaction").reset_index().rename_axis(None, axis=1)
