递归 - 为什么这段打印数字序列的代码不起作用

Recursion - why this code to print a sequence of numbers does not work

我很抱歉在这里提出这样一个琐碎的初学者问题,但每次我在理解递归方面向前迈进两步,我似乎都在倒退三步。我不明白为什么这个将 n 个数字存储在数组中的简单代码会给出空白。我可以通过注释部分让它工作,但在顶部不起作用,我假设当堆栈框架展开时 y 和 x 将被填充并且数组应该 return 一个数字列表。有人可以解释一下我的假设有什么问题吗?如何可视化递归以及如何在递归调用时以及 return 值传播回主函数时如何使用结果?

def nums(n,x):

    if n == 0:
        return n
    return x                # output was all blanks

      #  nums(n-1,x)
      #  x.append(n)
    return x                  # This works



nums(0, []) => 0 # n.b., this is a scalar, not an array based on the code above
nums(1, []) =>
  y = (nums(0, x)) => 0 (from above) # n.b., this might be interpreted as a tuple since we have surrounded it with parentheses, best to avoid enclosing parentheses if you don't need them
  x.append(y) => x = [ 0 ]
  return x => [ 0 ]

现在我们变得棘手了,因为 x 是一个 list,所以它 通过引用 传递并返回。所以对于 n > 1,我们将把 x 附加到它本身,这就是导致问题的原因

nums(2, []) =>
  y = nums(1, []) =>
    y = nums(0, []) =>
      y = 0
      x = [ 0 ]
    => [ 0 ]
  x.append(x = [ 0 ]) => yields a circular reference since we are appending x to itself


def nums(n):
    if n == 0:
        return [ 0 ]
    return [ n ] + nums(n - 1)