在 Python 中查找小于或等于非循环有向图的给定值的最长路径

Find longest path less than or equal to given value of an acyclic, directed graph in Python

所以假设我有一个非循环的有向图 G,节点 a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1, c2 并且我知道每个节点到它的任何邻居的传出距离。我可以使用什么算法来找到小于给定长度的任意两个节点之间的最长路径?

编辑:我查看了 Wikipedia page 中的最长路径问题,但我不知道是使用 'Acyclic graphs and critical paths' 部分中概述的算法还是 [=32] 中的算法=] 部分。这两种情况我都会遇到问题。在前者中,算法要求你有传入距离(我有传出距离),老实说,后者的描述在实现方面超出了我的理解范围。


graph = {
             "a0": set(["a1", "b0])
             "a1": set(["a2", "b1"])
             "a2": set(["b2"])
             "b0": set(["b1", "c0"])
             "b1": set(["b2", "c1"])
             "b2": set(["c2"])
             "c0": set(["c1"])
             "c1": set(["c2"])
             "c2": set([])


edge_distance = {
                 "a0": 0
                 "a1": 4
                 "a2": 12
                 "b0": 2
                 "b1": 1
                 "b2": 4
                 "c0": 7
                 "c1": 2
                 "c2": 1

从技术上讲,我有传入距离的唯一节点是 c2



   c2 b2 c1 a2 b1 c0 a1 b0 a0





注意:我不确定问题规范是否完全正确,因为 a0 的距离给出为 0,但 c2(不连接任何地方)的距离给出为 1。在无论如何,场景(和示例代码)都非常人为设计,因为离开给定节点的所有边在现实生活中都不太可能具有相同的长度。


如果 1:

import collections

# Data given in problem description

# Keys are starting nodes, values are destination nodes.

graph = {
            "a0": set(["a1", "b0"]),
            "a1": set(["a2", "b1"]),
            "a2": set(["b2"]),
            "b0": set(["b1", "c0"]),
            "b1": set(["b2", "c1"]),
            "b2": set(["c2"]),
            "c0": set(["c1"]),
            "c1": set(["c2"]),
            "c2": set([]),

# Length of every outbound edge from the node

edge_distance = {
                "a0": 0,
                "a1": 4,
                "a2": 12,
                "b0": 2,
                "b1": 1,
                "b2": 4,
                "c0": 7,
                "c1": 2,
                "c2": 1,

def sort_graph():
    ''' Develop a sorted list using Kahn's algorithm
    # Number of incoming vertices to each node
    incoming = collections.defaultdict(int)

    #All nodes with vertices exiting them
    startnodes = set()

    # All nodes with vertices entering them
    endnodes = set()

    for start in graph:
        for end in graph[start]:
            incoming[end] += 1

    ordered = []
    startnodes -= endnodes
    while startnodes:
        start = startnodes.pop()
        for end in graph[start]:
            incoming[end] -= 1
            if not incoming[end]:
    if sum(incoming.values()):
        raise ValueError("Graph has at least one cycle")

    return ordered

ordered = sort_graph()

def calc_dists(start):
    ''' Returns a dictionary containing all possible
        distances from a given start node to each other
        node, expressed as a set of possible distances
        for each target node.  The set will be empty
        if the target node is not reachable from the
        start node.
    dist_to_node = collections.defaultdict(set)
    for start in ordered:
        cumulative = dist_to_node[start]
        dist = edge_distance[start]
        for end in graph[start]:
            dist_to_node[end].update(dist + prev for prev in cumulative)
    return dist_to_node

# Show all possible distances between a0 and c2