Simulate a pipeline got Error: Request failed with status code 500

Simulate a pipeline got Error: Request failed with status code 500

我正在尝试创建我的第一个管道,所以我按照建议验证我的 …gitlab-ci.yml 文件,然后模拟管道,但我收到错误 500 代码。所以这是我的 .gitlab-ci.yml 文件:

image: docker:stable


Build image docker build: stage: Build image script:
- docker info
- docker build -t dockerregistry:1.0 .


为我的 Ci lint 测试获取了一些日志:

"POST /project_name/-/ci/lint HTTP/2.0" 500 2950 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.54 Safari/537.36

对于遇到同样问题的任何人。 我通过仅备份我们自签名的 gitlab 的存储库来修复此问题,然后按照官方文档在 Docker 上安装 gitlab: enter link description here


sudo gitlab-backup create SKIP=db,uploads,builds,artifacts,lfs,terraform_state,registry,pages,packages

uploads (attachments)
builds (CI job output logs)
artifacts (CI job artifacts)
lfs (LFS objects)
terraform_state (Terraform states)
registry (Container Registry images)
pages (Pages content)
packages (Packages)

之后,我安装了 Gitlab-ce 与备份版本相同的版本,然后按照以下命令恢复它:

docker exec -it <name_container> gitlab-backup restore BACKUP=gitlab.tar.gz