如何在 Azure 函数 eventhub 触发器中处理 CancellationToken

How to handle CancellationToken in Azure function eventhub trigger

在 Azure 函数事件中心触发器 (v3) 中,它在 Run 方法中接收取消标记。当发出取消信号时,这意味着它正在关闭服务器。例如,如果我使用 httpClient 将此令牌发送到 Get 操作,它将抛出 TaskCanceledException 并且函数将结束。


[FunctionName(nameof(MyFunction)), FixedDelayRetry(10, "00:00:15")]
public async Task RunAsync(
     Connection = "InEventHubConnectionString", 
     ConsumerGroup = "%ConsumerGroup%")] 
   EventData[] events,
   PartitionContext partitionContext,
   CancellationToken cancellationToken)
       foreach (var ev in events)
            var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync("http://example.com/fetch?key=" + ev.Properties["Key"],
            await Process(response, cancellationToken);

Will the events that this function was processing be sent to another instance of the function on another server or are they lost?

They are lost:

Unhandled exceptions may cause you to lose messages. Executions that result in an exception will continue to progress the pointer.

Should cancellation be handle in a different way?
