MS SQL 将行转换为列

MS SQL Convert rows to columns

女士 SQL 我关注 table


我查看了 pivot table 函数,但无法使其正常工作。 有什么建议吗?


With data (STOCKCODE, QTY, AGE) as (
select 'AIRFIL01', 3,1 union all
select 'AIRFIL01', 8,2  union all
select 'AIRFIL05', 4,1  union all
select 'AIRFIL05', 14,2  union all
select 'AIRPRE01', 4,1  union all
select 'AIRPRE01', 24,2  union all
select 'AIRSUS01', 1,2  union all
select 'ALARM01', 1,1  union all
select 'ALARM01', 6,2  union all
select 'ALARM01', 7,10  union all
select 'ALARM05', 2,1  union all
select 'ANTROL01', 5,2 
SELECT * from (
Select STOCKCODE, QTY, CONCAT('Age_' , AGE) comment  from data
FOR comment IN ( [Age_1],[Age_2],[Age_3],[Age_4],[Age_5],[Age_6],[Age_7],[Age_8],[Age_9],[Age_10])
) p