从 gin.context 读取 APIGatewayProxyRequest

Read APIGatewayProxyRequest from gin.context

我正在使用 github.com/awslabs/aws-lambda-go-api-proxy/gin 创建一个 API。 如果可能的话,我想从 gin.Context 中读取 APIGatewayProxyRequest 或者请建议其他更好的方法? 这是我的请求处理程序,

func handleRequest(ctx context.Context, req *events.APIGatewayProxyRequest) (events.APIGatewayProxyResponse, error) {
    db := persistence.InitializeDB()
    defer db.Close()

    router := router.NewApiRouter()

    if ginLambda == nil {
        ginLambda = gin.New(router.Initialize()) // here I send req to router, which I want to use in endpoint handler

    response, err := ginLambda.ProxyWithContext(ctx, *req)


    return response, err

这是我的 post 请求处理程序,

func (ser *Service) GetUserRecordByID(context *gin.Context) {
// here I want to read APIGatewayProxyRequest object. I can log context, but not sure how to read APIGatewayProxyRequest object? 

我找到了解决方案,使用 aws lambda 代理核心..

import (

func (ser *Service) GetUserRecordByID(context *gin.Context) {
apiGWRequestContext, ok := core.GetAPIGatewayContextFromContext(c.Request.Context())