Error: 'else' without a previous "if' even though there is not a semicolon

Error: 'else' without a previous "if' even though there is not a semicolon


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int john, jeff, philip, joe, dave;
    cout << "Hello and welcome to the blessing service" << endl;
    cout << "please enter your name and god will" << endl;
    cout << "decide if you are cursed or blessed" << endl;
    cout << "______________________________________" << endl;
    cin >> john, jeff, philip, joe, dave;
    if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave)
        cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
        cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
        cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
        cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;
    system ("pause");
    return 0;


if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave)
    cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
    cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
    cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
    cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;
system ("pause");


if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave)
    cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
    cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;
system ("pause");


if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave){
    cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
    cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
} else {
    cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
    cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;
system ("pause");

它也不太可能让 cin 和 if 做你想做的事。我怀疑您正在尝试测试某人的名字是 John 还是 Jeff 等等


    string name;
    cin >> name;


    if(name=="Jeff"||name = "John||name ==......)

由于您没有在 if 代码主体周围使用 {},因此编译器会像下面这样读取您的代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int john, jeff, philip, joe, dave;
    cout << "Hello and welcome to the blessing service" << endl;
    cout << "please enter your name and god will" << endl;
    cout << "decide if you are cursed or blessed" << endl;
    cout << "______________________________________" << endl;
    cin >> john, jeff, philip, joe, dave;
    if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave)
        cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
        cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
        cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
        cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;
    system ("pause");
    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
    int john, jeff, philip, joe, dave;
    cout << "Hello and welcome to the blessing service" << endl;
    cout << "please enter your name and god will" << endl;
    cout << "decide if you are cursed or blessed" << endl;
    cout << "______________________________________" << endl;
    cin >> john, jeff, philip, joe, dave;
    if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave)
        cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
        cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
        cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
        cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;
    system ("pause");
    return 0;


cin >> john, jeff, philip, joe, dave;


( cin >> john ), ( jeff ), ( philip ), ( joe ), ( dave );


( jeff ), ( philip ), ( joe ), ( dave )



cin >> john >> jeff >> philip >> joe >> dave;


if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave)

使用了具有相同逗号运算符的表达式。表达式的值是最后一个操作数 dave 上下文转换为 bool 类型的值。

不清楚您要在此 if 语句中检查什么。


if (john, jeff, philip, joe, dave)
    cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
    cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
    cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
    cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string name;

    cout << "Hello and welcome to the blessing service" << endl;
    cout << "please enter your name and god will" << endl;
    cout << "decide if you are cursed or blessed" << endl;
    cout << "______________________________________" << endl;

    cin >> name;

    if (name == "john" || name == "jeff" || name == "philip" || name == "joe" || name == "dave")
        cout << "you have been cursed, you will have bad luck" << endl;
        cout << "for the rest of your life!" << endl;
        cout << "you have been blessed, enjoy your life" << endl;
        cout << "and keep praying to God" << endl;

    system ("pause");

    return 0;
