
How do I clear the bitmap each time before blitting?

我对 blitting 还很陌生,我仍在努力理解这个过程。在我的 View 对象中,我的构造函数中有这个;

this.bcg = new BitmapData(800,600,false,0x000000);
this.canvas = new Bitmap(bcg);



然后在我的主游戏循环中,我遍历一个嵌套数组以 blit 复制 rect 类型 BitmapData 对象;

if (array[i][j] !=0) {
        canvas.bitmapData.copyPixels(rect, rect.rect, new Point(i, j));

我想也许我可以通过在循环之前将背景 blitting 回到 canvas 来做到这一点;

canvas.bitmapData.copyPixels(bcg, bcg.rect, new Point(0, 0));

但这不起作用。我已经尝试四处寻找这个问题的答案,但是很难找到任何关于 AS3 中 blitting 的深入信息。


this.bcg = new BitmapData(800,600,false,0x000000);
this.canvas = new Bitmap(bcg);

但我最终得到了一个完全黑屏,而且我的 rect 都没有被 blit 到 canvas



this.bcg = new BitmapData(800,600,false,0x000000);
canvas.bitmapData.copyPixels(bcg, bcg.rect, new Point(0, 0));

我不得不重新声明 bcg 然后 将其 blit 到 canvas。因为我的 rect 对象被 blit 到 bcg,对吗?我正在使用创建位图;

this.canvas = new Bitmap(bcg);

所以 canvas 持有对 bcg 的引用?


private var m_bg:BitmapData         = new BitmapData( 400, 300, false, 0xffff0000 );    // simple solid red colour
private var m_canvas:BitmapData     = new BitmapData( 400, 300, true, 0x00000000 );     // the canvas that we're drawing into
private var m_obj:BitmapData        = new BitmapData( 20, 20, false, 0xff00ff00 );      // simple green square
private var m_objDrawPos:Point      = new Point;                                        // where we'll draw our obj
private var m_objDir:Point          = new Point;                                        // the direction that our obj is moving in
private var m_objSpeed:Number       = 20.0;                                             // the speed of our obj

public function Main()
    // create the bitmap for our canvas and add it to the stage
    var b:Bitmap = new Bitmap( this.m_canvas );
    this.addChild( b );

    // set our initial direction
    this.m_objDir.setTo( 1.0, 1.0 ); // diagonal right

    // add our enter frame
    this.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, this._onEnterFrame );

private function _onEnterFrame( e:Event ):void
    // move our object by changing it's draw position
    this.m_objDrawPos.x += this.m_objDir.x * this.m_objSpeed;
    this.m_objDrawPos.y += this.m_objDir.y * this.m_objSpeed;

    // simple bounds change, to reflect the object
    if ( this.m_objDrawPos.x < 0 || this.m_objDrawPos.x + this.m_obj.width > this.m_canvas.width )
        this.m_objDir.x *= -1;
    if ( this.m_objDrawPos.y < 0 || this.m_objDrawPos.y + this.m_obj.height > this.m_canvas.height )
        this.m_objDir.y *= -1;

    // copy our this.m_bg - this will erase all previous changes
    // NOTE: depending on what your bg is, you can all use fillRect() if it's a solid colour
    // NOTE: passing new Point() as the destPoint, will mean that our bg will always be drawn
    // in the top-left of the canvas. As this never changes - you can keep this as a variable
    this.m_canvas.copyPixels( this.m_bg, this.m_bg.rect, new Point );

    // copy our object to its new position
    this.m_canvas.copyPixels( this.m_obj, this.m_obj.rect, this.m_objDrawPos );

关于块传输,您需要了解的是作为 destPoint 传入的位置决定了您正在块传输的 BitmapData 的左上角位置 - 可以将其视为普通 DisplayObject - (0,0)xy 表示它绘制在左上角,而 (canvas.width - obj.width, canvas.height - obj.height) 表示它绘制在底部对。

为了让您的生活更轻松,请创建一个简单的 class 来为您存储所有这些数据。类似于:

public class BlitObj


    private var m_bmd:BitmapData    = null; // our BitmapData graphics
    private var m_offset:Point      = null; // the offset (how we manage the reference point)
    private var m_drawPos:Point     = null; // our draw position for when we're blitting the object
    private var m_position:Point    = null; // the position of our object, in relation to the reference point


     * The position of the BlitObj, in relation to the reference point
    public function get position():Point { return this.m_position; }

     * The BitmapData graphics that we're going to blit
    public function get blitGraphics():BitmapData { return this.m_bmd; }

     * The position to blit this BlitObj at (top-left corner)
    public function get blitDestPos():Point { return this.m_drawPos; }


     * Creates a new BlitObj
     * @param bmd The graphics for this BlitObj
     * @param offset The offset to our registration point
    public function BlitObj( bmd:BitmapData, offset:Point = null )
        this.m_bmd      = bmd;
        this.m_offset   = ( offset == null ) ? new Point : offset;
        this.m_drawPos  = new Point( -this.m_offset.x, -this.m_offset.y );
        this.m_position = new Point;

     * Sets the position of the BlitObj (in relation to its reference point)
     * @param x The x position of the object
     * @param y The y position of the object
    public function setPos( x:Number, y:Number ):void
        this.m_position.setTo( x, y );
        this.m_drawPos.setTo( x - this.m_offset.x, y - this.m_offset.y ) ;

blitting 时要注意的一件事是 class 所做的,它处理 offset。当您向 copyPixels() 函数提供 destPoint 时,它是在绘制之前放置 BitmapData 左上角的位置。但是,通常您希望对象具有与左上角不同的参考点(例如,圆的参考点位于中间)。这可以让你处理。

// create our circle graphics with their registration point in the center
var circleBMD:BitmapData    = ...; // get the graphics for your circle
var circle:BlitObj          = new BlitObj( circleBMD, new Point( circleBMD.width * 0.5, circleBMD.height * 0.5 ) );
circle.setPos( this.stage.stageWidth * 0.5, this.stage.stageHeight * 0.5 ); // center it on the stage

// now you can draw it:
canvas.copyPixels( circle.blitGraphics, circle.blitGraphics.rect, circle.blitDestPos );