Add a value to an empty key in a created dictionary
所以我基本上需要将一个值从 txt 文件添加到 output_dic 中的键,并且这两年都采用以下格式
我们的想法是从按行和列组织的 txt 中获取数据并对其进行处理以获取组织在以下输出中的数据
2020 2021
Max Volume (Date) 'value added' 'value2 added'
Min Volume (Date)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import pandas as pd
def main():
again = "y"
while again.lower() == 'y' or again.lower() == "yes":
output_dic = {'Max Volume (Date)': ["", "", ""],
'Min Value (Date)' : ["" , "", ""],
'Lowest Open (Date)' : ["", "", ""] ,
'Highest Close (Date)' : ["", "", ""],
'Highest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "" , ""],
'Lowest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""],
'Annual Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""]}
print("\n{:^91}\n".format("Apple Stock Analysis 2020 and 2021"))
print("{:^31} {:^20} {:^20}" .format(" ", "2020", "2021" , "total"))
print("-" * 91)
for k, v in output_dic.items():
y2020, y2021, y2022 = v
print( "{:<31} {:^20} {:^20} {:^20}" .format(k , y2020, y2021, y2022))
output_dic.update({'Max Volume (Date)' : })
output_dic['Max Volume (Date)'] = [0, 1, 2]
为了完整起见,我将编写一个示例代码片段,说明如何使用字典中已分配的值替换从 .txt 文件读取的值:
output_dic = {'Max Volume (Date)': ["", "", ""],
'Min Value (Date)' : ["" , "", ""],
'Lowest Open (Date)' : ["", "", ""] ,
'Highest Close (Date)' : ["", "", ""],
'Highest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "" , ""],
'Lowest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""],
'Annual Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""]}
keys_list = ['Max Volume (Date)', 'Min Value (Date)', 'Lowest Open (Date)', 'Highest Close (Date)', 'Highest Monthly Average (Months)', 'Lowest Monthly Average (Months)', 'Annual Average (Months)']
input_file_address = 'E://file_name.txt'
with open(input_file_address, 'r') as input_file:
index = 0
for line in input_file:
line_stripped = line.strip() # .txt files' lines usually end with \n and they could also have whitespace at the beginning by mistake, this line removes these issues
if line_stripped == '': # if the line is empty, move to the next line
line_splitted = line_stripped.split(' ') # If the values are separated by whitespace, this line would convert a string of for example 'a b c' to a list of ['a', 'b', 'c']
key = keys_list[index]
output_dic[key] = line_splitted
index += 1
Assuming the .txt file is formatted as below:
value_1, value_2, value_3 .........................
where each line corresponds to a different parameter for example "Min
Value" and so on.
我认为 .txt 不是适合这些类型操作的文件格式,我个人更喜欢 .csv,它更容易解析,因为格式是通用的,不像 .txt 文件,任何人都可以以任何格式编写任何内容。
所以我基本上需要将一个值从 txt 文件添加到 output_dic 中的键,并且这两年都采用以下格式
我们的想法是从按行和列组织的 txt 中获取数据并对其进行处理以获取组织在以下输出中的数据
2020 2021
Max Volume (Date) 'value added' 'value2 added'
Min Volume (Date)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import pandas as pd
def main():
again = "y"
while again.lower() == 'y' or again.lower() == "yes":
output_dic = {'Max Volume (Date)': ["", "", ""],
'Min Value (Date)' : ["" , "", ""],
'Lowest Open (Date)' : ["", "", ""] ,
'Highest Close (Date)' : ["", "", ""],
'Highest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "" , ""],
'Lowest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""],
'Annual Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""]}
print("\n{:^91}\n".format("Apple Stock Analysis 2020 and 2021"))
print("{:^31} {:^20} {:^20}" .format(" ", "2020", "2021" , "total"))
print("-" * 91)
for k, v in output_dic.items():
y2020, y2021, y2022 = v
print( "{:<31} {:^20} {:^20} {:^20}" .format(k , y2020, y2021, y2022))
output_dic.update({'Max Volume (Date)' : })
output_dic['Max Volume (Date)'] = [0, 1, 2]
为了完整起见,我将编写一个示例代码片段,说明如何使用字典中已分配的值替换从 .txt 文件读取的值:
output_dic = {'Max Volume (Date)': ["", "", ""],
'Min Value (Date)' : ["" , "", ""],
'Lowest Open (Date)' : ["", "", ""] ,
'Highest Close (Date)' : ["", "", ""],
'Highest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "" , ""],
'Lowest Monthly Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""],
'Annual Average (Months)' : ["", "", ""]}
keys_list = ['Max Volume (Date)', 'Min Value (Date)', 'Lowest Open (Date)', 'Highest Close (Date)', 'Highest Monthly Average (Months)', 'Lowest Monthly Average (Months)', 'Annual Average (Months)']
input_file_address = 'E://file_name.txt'
with open(input_file_address, 'r') as input_file:
index = 0
for line in input_file:
line_stripped = line.strip() # .txt files' lines usually end with \n and they could also have whitespace at the beginning by mistake, this line removes these issues
if line_stripped == '': # if the line is empty, move to the next line
line_splitted = line_stripped.split(' ') # If the values are separated by whitespace, this line would convert a string of for example 'a b c' to a list of ['a', 'b', 'c']
key = keys_list[index]
output_dic[key] = line_splitted
index += 1
Assuming the .txt file is formatted as below:
value_1, value_2, value_3 ......................... .........................
where each line corresponds to a different parameter for example "Min Value" and so on.
最后我想提出一个建议: 我认为 .txt 不是适合这些类型操作的文件格式,我个人更喜欢 .csv,它更容易解析,因为格式是通用的,不像 .txt 文件,任何人都可以以任何格式编写任何内容。