
Comparing Two Lists, Updating if Different

我有一个用 JavaScript 编写的程序,它根据一个列表中的项目是否与另一个不同来运行 CRUD 操作。基本上比较两个列表,主列表和镜像列表。约束是:

执行此检查的有效方法是什么?目前,我正在迭代两个似乎效率低下的 for 循环。

for (const mainId of Object.keys(mainItems)) {
      if (!Object.keys(mirrorItems).includes(mainId)) {
        await createEvent(mainItems[mainId])

for (const mirrorId of Object.keys(mirrorItems)) {
      if (!Object.keys(mainItems).includes(mirrorId)) {
        await deleteEvent(mirrorItems[mirrorId])

从您的代码看来,您正在比较对象的键,而不仅仅是任意数组。因此,您可能希望 mirrorItems 具有与 mainItems 相同的键,但具有不同的值(否则它只是一个副本)。

使用在 O(1) 中执行查找的 Set 将您的解决方案从 O(n²) 中的解决方案 运行 提升为 [=17= 中的 运行 ].


const obj = {
  matching: "A matching property but a diferrent value",
  missing: "A property which is missing in mirror, should be added",

const mirror = {
    "A matching property but a diferrent value, to see that there is not just a copy created",
  additional: "An additional property which should be deleted",

const set = new Set(Object.keys(mirror));
const correctMirror = Object.keys(obj).reduce(
  (mirrored, cur) => (
      ? // if the property exist on the obj, we can keep the current value
        (mirrored[cur] = mirror[cur])
      : // if the property does not exist on obj, we need to get the value from obj and assign it to the mirror
        (mirrored[cur] = obj[cur]),
        // return mirrored for next iteration or result
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }