C 文本格式化程序字符数已关闭

C text formatter characters count is off

所以我有一个任务是根据规则格式化文本并最终打印出字符串中的字符数(包括 \n 和 spaces,除了 [=13=]在字符串的末尾)。

基本上,一个有效的输入以一个点结束,但我想我在最后一个点之后还有几个白色的spaces。 我尝试了几种方法,例如从字符串末尾开始用 [=13=] 替换 spaces 的循环。 虽然似乎没有任何效果...

编辑 要求是:

  1. 将双点 (..) 转换为新行
  2. 删除多个space只留下一个,
  3. 确保逗号或点前没有 space
  4. 确保逗号或点后有单个 space。
  5. 不更改撇号之间的原始内容。
  6. 并验证大写字母只出现在正确的位置(新 line\paragraph)。

我们需要执行主函数中的所有代码(不幸的是),而我的代码通常会在计数中将字符计数错误地增加 1-2(可能会在 space 之后执行额外的 spaces最后一个点


the LANGUAGE  "C" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"..            the Main feAtures of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                .
int main() {
    char ans;

    printf("*************** Welcome to the text cleaner ***************\n\n");

        int length, i, j = 0;
        int word, sentence, para, space;
        char tin[601], tout[601], * dex, * pos;
        printf("\nPlease enter text:\n");
        gets_s(tin, 600);
        length = strlen(tin);

        dex = strchr(tin, '.'); //converts double dots to new line
        while (dex != NULL)
            if (tin[dex - tin + 1] == '.') {
                tin[dex - tin + 1] = '\n';
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');
        length = strlen(tin);

        dex = strchr(tin, ' '); //converting multiple spaces to single space
        while (dex != NULL)
            while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin + 1] == ' ')
                for (i = dex - tin + 1; i < strlen(tin); i++)
                    tin[i - 1] = tin[i];
                dex = strchr(dex, ' ');
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, ' ');

        tin[length - j] = '[=11=]';
        j = 0;

        dex = strchr(tin, '\n');

        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex-tin+1] == ' ') //delets spaces in the beggining of new row
            for (i = dex - tin + 1;i < strlen(tin);i++) {
                tin[i] = tin[i + 1];
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '\n');

        dex = strchr(tin, ','); //deletes space before comma
        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin - 1] == ' ')
            for (i = dex - tin - 1; i < strlen(tin); i++)
                tin[i] = tin[i+1];
            dex = strchr(dex+1, ',');

        dex = strchr(tin, '.'); //deletes space before dots
        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin - 1] == ' ')
            for (i = dex - tin - 1; i < strlen(tin); i++)
                tin[i] = tin[i+1];
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        dex = strchr(tin, ','); // adds space after comma
        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin + 1] != ' ')    
            if (tin[dex - tin + 1] != '\n')
                tin[strlen(tin) + 1] = '[=11=]';
                for (i = strlen(tin); i > dex - tin; i--)
                    if (i == dex - tin + 1)
                        tin[i] = ' ';
                        tin[i] = tin[i - 1];
                dex = strchr(dex + 1, ',');

        dex = strchr(tin, '.'); // adds space after dot

        while (dex != NULL && tin[dex - tin + 1] != ' ')
                tin[strlen(tin) + 1] = '[=11=]';
                if (tin[dex - tin + 1] == '\n')
                    dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');
                    for (i = strlen(tin); i > dex - tin; i--)
                        if (i == dex - tin + 1)
                            tin[i] = ' ';
                            tin[i] = tin[i - 1];
                    dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        strcpy_s(tout, sizeof(tout), tin);
        _strlwr_s(tout,sizeof(tout)); //copies and lowercasing the input string

        dex = strchr(tin, '"');
        if (dex != NULL) {
            pos = strchr(dex + 1, '"');

            while (dex != NULL)
                for (i = dex - tin; i < pos - tin; i++) {
                    tout[i] = tin[i];
                dex = strchr(pos + 1, '"');
                if (dex)
                    pos = strchr(dex + 1, '"');
            }  //making sure that the letters in the quotes have't been lowercased
        _strupr_s(tin, sizeof(tin));

        dex = strchr(tout, '.');
        pos = strchr(tin, '.');
        while (dex != NULL && pos != NULL)
                tout[dex - tout + 2] = tin[pos - tin + 2];
                dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');     
                pos = strchr(pos + 1, '.');

        dex = strchr(tout, '.'); //deletes space before dots
        while (dex != NULL)
            if (tout[dex - tout - 1] == ' ')
                for (i = dex - tout - 1; i < strlen(tout); i++)
                    tout[i] = tout[i+1];
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        if (tout[0] == ' ') {
            for (i = 0 ;i < strlen(tout); i++) {
                tout[i] = tout[i + 1];
        }//handeling single space in the beggining of the string

        if (tout[0] >= 'a' && tout[0] <= 'z') {
            tout[0] -= 32;
        } //First letter always capital

        word = 0;
        sentence = 0;
        para = 1;
        space = 0;
        length = strlen(tout);

        for (i = 0; tout[i] != '[=11=]';i++)
            if (tout[i] == ' ' && tout[i + 1] != ' ')

        dex = strchr(tout, '.');
        while (dex != NULL)
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '.');

        dex = strchr(tout, '\n');
        while (dex != NULL)
            dex = strchr(dex + 1, '\n');

        //dex = strchr(tout, '-');
        //while (dex != NULL)
        //  word++;
        //  dex = strchr(dex + 1, '-');

        printf_s("\nText after cleaning:\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
        printf_s("%s\n\n", tout);
        printf_s("characters: %d | words: %d | sentences: %d | paragraphs: %d\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",length, word, sentence, para);
        printf_s("\nIf you want to clean another string press (y): ");
        scanf_s(" %c", &ans, 1);
        if (ans == 'y')
            gets_s(tin, 600);

    } while (ans =='y');



我只用给定的示例对其进行了测试,很可能仍然存在它可能会中断的边缘情况。您可能想要分配 buffer 而不是使用特定值,但您可能需要检查是否存在可能导致扩展的输入。


注意: OP 没有指定正确的输出是什么,因为 post 的标题是“错误的字符数”,所以这是基于最佳猜测关于要求和 OP 代码的一些见解(如前所述,可能没有产生正确的结果)。

我不认为这里的重点是修复 OP 的错误,而是说明更接近或实现解决方案的替代方法。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

char original[] = "the LANGUAGE  \"C\" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by \"Dennis Ritchie\"..            the Main feAtures of \"C\" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                .";

int main() {
    char buffer[256];
    strcpy(buffer, original);
    char *src, *dest;
    bool quoted = false;
    bool sentence = false;
    int periods = 0;
    bool space = false;
    bool paragraph = true;
    bool comma = false;
    int letters = 0;
    int words = 0;
    int sentences = 0;
    int paragraphs = 0;
    src = dest = buffer;

    for ( ; *src ; src++) {
        if (quoted) {

            switch (*src) {
            case '"': 
                quoted = false;
            if ((*src >= 'a' && *src <= 'z') || (*src >= 'a' && *src <= 'z')) {
            } else {
                if (letters) {
                    letters = 0;
            *dest++ = *src;

        } else {
            switch (*src) {
            case '"':
                quoted = true;
            case ',':
                comma = true;

            case ' ':
                if (letters) {
                    letters = 0;
                space = true;

            case '.':
                if (++periods == 2) {
                    *dest++ = '.';
                    *dest++ = '\n';
                    periods = 0;
                    paragraph = true;
                } else {
                    sentence = true;
            if (comma) {
                *dest++ = ',';
                *dest++ = ' ';
                comma = space = false;
            if (periods) {
                *dest++ = '.';
                periods = 0;

            if (space) {
                if (!paragraph) {
                    *dest++ = ' ';
                space = false;
            if ((*src >= 'a' && *src <= 'z') || (*src >= 'a' && *src <= 'z')) {
            } else {
                if (letters) {
                    letters = 0;
            *dest++ = sentence || paragraph ? toupper(*src) : tolower(*src);

            if (sentence || paragraph) {
                if (letters) {
                letters = 0;
            if (sentence) {
            if (paragraph) {
            sentence = paragraph = false;

    if (sentence) {
    if (paragraph) {
    if (periods) {
        *dest++ = '.';

    *dest++ = '\n';

    *dest = '[=10=]';

    printf("\nInput Chars=%d\n\n\"%s\"\n", (int)strlen(original), original);
    printf("\nOutput Chars=%d, Words=%d, Sentences=%d, Paragraphs=%d\n\n\"%s\"\n", (int)strlen(buffer), words, sentences, paragraphs, buffer);
    return 0;


Input Chars=259

"the LANGUAGE  "C" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"..            the Main feAtures of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                ."

Output Chars=214, Words=34, Sentences=3, Paragraphs=2

"The language "C" is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie".
The main features of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style.



  1. 每当我们看到 ..(转换为换行符)时,它就会开始一个新段落
  2. 你所谓的“apostrophe”,我称之为双引号(因为这是唯一有意义的东西)。
  3. 引号内没有任何内容被转换
  4. 引用[自己]被复制过来(即没有被剥离)

不幸的是,我不得不完全重构代码。是有注释的。我知道您必须 使用 main。额外的功能只是为了调试,所以它们“不算数”:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int opt_d;                          // debug
int opt_quo;                        // preserve quote

#define dbgprt(_fmt...) \
    do { \
        if (opt_d) \
            printf(_fmt); \
    } while (0)
#define dbgprt(_fmt...)         do { } while (0)

#define COPYX(_chr) \
    do { \
        *dst++ = _chr; \
        dbgprt("COPY %2.2X/%s\n",_chr,showchr(_chr)); \
    } while (0)

#define COPY \

#define WHITEOUT \
    do { \
        if (! white) \
            break; \
        COPYX(' '); \
        white = 0; \
        ctr_word += 1; \
    } while (0)

const char *
showchr(int chr)
    static char buf[10];

    if ((chr >= 0x20) && (chr <= 0x7E))

    return buf;

showbuf(const char *buf,const char *who)
    const char *sep = "'";

    printf("%s: %s",who,sep);

    for (int chr = *buf++;  chr != 0;  chr = *buf++)


main(int argc,char **argv)
    char inp[1000];
    char buf[1000];
    char *src;
    char *dst;


    for (;  argc > 0;  --argc, ++argv) {
        char *cp = *argv;
        if (*cp != '-')

        cp += 2;
        switch (cp[-1]) {
        case 'd':
            opt_d = ! opt_d;
        case 'q':
            opt_quo = ! opt_quo;

    opt_quo = ! opt_quo;

    const char *file;
    if (argc > 0)
        file = *argv;
        file = "inp.txt";

    FILE *xfsrc = fopen(file,"r");
    if (xfsrc == NULL) {

    while (fgets(inp,sizeof(inp),xfsrc) != NULL) {

        src = buf;
        dst = buf;

        int quo = 0;
        int white = 0;
        int dot = 1;
        int ctr_sent = 0;
        int ctr_word = 0;
        int ctr_para = 1;

        for (int chr = *src++;  chr != 0;  chr = *src++) {
            dbgprt("LOOP %2.2X/%s quo=%d white=%d dot=%d word=%d sent=%d para=%d\n",

            // got a quote
            if (chr == '"') {
                if (! quo)
                if (opt_quo)
                quo = ! quo;

            // non-quote
            else {
                if (quo) {

            // got a dot
            if (chr == '.') {
                dot = 1;

                // double dot --> newline (new paragraph)
                if (*src == '.') {
                    ctr_para += 1;


                white = 1;

            // from fgets, this can _only_ occur at the end of the buffer
            if (chr == '\n') {
                dot = 1;
                white = 1;

            // accumulate/skip over whitespace
            if (chr == ' ') {
                white = 1;

            // output accumulated whitespace

            // got uppercase -- convert to lowercase if we're not at the start
            // of a sentence
            if (isupper(chr)) {
                if (! dot)
                    chr = tolower(chr);

            // got lowercase -- capitalize if we're just starting a sentence
            else {
                if (islower(chr)) {
                    if (dot)
                        chr = toupper(chr);


            // count sentences
            if (dot)
                ctr_sent += 1;

            dot = 0;

        *dst = 0;


#if 0
        if (dot)
            ctr_word += 1;

        printf("TOTAL: length=%zu sentences=%d paragraphs=%d words=%d\n",


    return 0;


inp: 'the LANGUAGE  "C" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"..            the Main feAtures of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                .{0A}'
buf: 'The language "C" is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"{0A} The main features of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style.{0A}'
TOTAL: length=214 sentences=3 paragraphs=2 words=31


Great, thank you! I've taken what you've done and implemented it on my code, basically, the professor restricted us to us only stdio.h and string.h libraries so I couldn't use any other functions... – Nitai Dan



我不确定我是否添加了足够的注释来使我的算法清晰,所以我对它进行了一些清理,并在考虑是否要 post 它。它在下面 posted。

根据您刚才所说的,我[仍然]不确定是否允许创建您自己的函数。正如我所说,debug 函数如果不更改算法,[可能] 没问题。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int opt_d;                          // debug
int opt_quo;                        // preserve quote
int opt_x;                          // show space as hex

#define _dbgprt(_fmt...) \

#define dbgprt(_fmt...) \
    do { \
        if (opt_d) \
            _dbgprt(_fmt); \
    } while (0)
#define dbgprt(_fmt...)         do { } while (0)

#define COPYX(_chr) \
    do { \
        *dst++ = _chr; \
        copy = 1; \
        if (_chr != src[-1]) \
            _dbgprt(" COPY %s\n",_showchr(_chr,1)); \
    } while (0)
#define COPYX(_chr) \
    do { \
        *dst++ = _chr; \
    } while (0)

#define COPY \

// output accumulated white space and increment count of number of words
#define SPACEOUT \
    do { \
        if (! spc) \
            break; \
        spc = 0; \
        COPYX(' '); \
        ctr_word += 1; \
    } while (0)

const char *
_showchr(int chr,int xflg)
    static char buf[10];
    int lo = xflg ? 0x21 : 0x20;

    if ((chr >= lo) && (chr <= 0x7E))

    return buf;

const char *
showchr(int chr)

    return _showchr(chr,opt_x);

showbuf(const char *buf,const char *who)
    const char *sep = "'";

    printf("%s: %s",who,sep);

    for (int chr = *buf++;  chr != 0;  chr = *buf++)


dbgint(const char *sym,int val)
    do {
        int ctr = isupper(sym[0]);

        if (! ctr) {
            if (! val)

        _dbgprt(" %s",sym);

        if (ctr)
    } while (0);

main(int argc,char **argv)
    char inp[1000];
    char buf[1000];
    char *src;
    char *dst;


    for (;  argc > 0;  --argc, ++argv) {
        char *cp = *argv;
        if (*cp != '-')

        cp += 2;
        switch (cp[-1]) {
        case 'd':
            opt_d = ! opt_d;
        case 'q':
            opt_quo = ! opt_quo;
        case 'x':
            opt_x = (*cp != 0) ? atoi(cp) : 1;

    opt_quo = ! opt_quo;

    const char *file;
    if (argc > 0)
        file = *argv;
        file = "inp.txt";

    FILE *xfsrc = fopen(file,"r");
    if (xfsrc == NULL) {

    while (fgets(inp,sizeof(inp),xfsrc) != NULL) {

        src = buf;
        dst = buf;

        // state variables
        int quo = 0;  // 1=within quoted string
        int spc = 0;  // 1=space seen
        int dot = 1;  // 1=period/newline seen

        // counters
        int ctr_sent = 0;  // number of sentences
        int ctr_word = 0;  // number of words
        int ctr_para = 1;  // number of paragraphs

        int copy = 0;
        int ochr = 0;

        for (int chr = *src++;  chr != 0;  chr = *src++) {
            if (opt_d) {
                // show if we skipped the prior char (and it was _not_ a space)
                if ((! copy) && (ochr != ' '))
                copy = 0;
                ochr = chr;

                _dbgprt("LOOP %s",showchr(chr));

            // got a quote
            if (chr == '"') {
                // flush whitespace if starting a quoted string
                if (! quo)

                // copy the quote
                if (opt_quo)

                // flip the quote mode
                quo = ! quo;

            // non-quote
            else {
                // if inside a quoted string, just copy out the char verbatim
                if (quo) {

            // got a dot
            if (chr == '.') {
                dot = 1;

                // double dot --> newline (new paragraph)
                if (*src == '.') {
                    ctr_para += 1;


                // force whitespace mode (ensure space after dot)
                // (e.g.) change:
                //   i go.he goes.
                // into:
                //   i go. he goes.
                spc = 1;

            // from fgets, this can _only_ occur at the end of the buffer
            if (chr == '\n') {
                dot = 1;
                spc = 1;

            // accumulate/skip over whitespace
            if (chr == ' ') {
                spc = 1;

            // output accumulated whitespace

            // convert case
            if (dot)
                chr = toupper(chr);
                chr = tolower(chr);

            // output the current character -- it's _not_ special

            // count sentences
            if (dot)
                ctr_sent += 1;

            // we're no longer at the start of a sentence
            dot = 0;

        *dst = 0;

        if (opt_x == 1)
            opt_x = 0;

#if 0
        if (dot)
            ctr_word += 1;

        printf("TOTAL: length=%zu sentences=%d paragraphs=%d words=%d\n",


    return 0;

输出 -d:

LOOP t W:0 S:0 P:1 dot
LOOP h W:0 S:1 P:1
LOOP e W:0 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:0 S:1 P:1
LOOP L W:0 S:1 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP A W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP N W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP G W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP U W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP A W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP G W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP E W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:1 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:1 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP " W:1 S:1 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP C W:2 S:1 P:1 quo
LOOP " W:2 S:1 P:1 quo
LOOP   W:2 S:1 P:1
LOOP i W:2 S:1 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP s W:3 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:3 S:1 P:1
LOOP a W:3 S:1 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP   W:4 S:1 P:1
LOOP p W:4 S:1 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP r W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP o W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP c W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP e W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP d W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP u W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP r W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP a W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP l W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP p W:5 S:1 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP r W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP o W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP g W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP r W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP a W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP m W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP m W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP i W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP n W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP g W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:6 S:1 P:1
LOOP l W:6 S:1 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP a W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP n W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP g W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP u W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP a W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP g W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP e W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1
LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP   W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP . W:7 S:1 P:1 spc
LOOP I W:7 S:1 P:1 spc dot
 COPY {20}
LOOP t W:8 S:2 P:1
LOOP   W:8 S:2 P:1
LOOP w W:8 S:2 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP a W:9 S:2 P:1
LOOP s W:9 S:2 P:1
LOOP   W:9 S:2 P:1
LOOP i W:9 S:2 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP n W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP i W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP t W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP i W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP a W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP l W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP l W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP y W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP   W:10 S:2 P:1
LOOP d W:10 S:2 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP e W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP v W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP e W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP l W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP o W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP p W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP e W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP d W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP   W:11 S:2 P:1
LOOP b W:11 S:2 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP y W:12 S:2 P:1
LOOP   W:12 S:2 P:1
LOOP " W:12 S:2 P:1 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP D W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP e W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP n W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP n W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP i W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP s W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP R W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP i W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP t W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP c W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP h W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP i W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP e W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP " W:13 S:2 P:1 quo
LOOP . W:13 S:2 P:1
 COPY {0A}
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP   W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
LOOP t W:13 S:2 P:2 spc dot
 COPY {20}
LOOP h W:14 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:14 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:14 S:3 P:2
LOOP M W:14 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP a W:15 S:3 P:2
LOOP i W:15 S:3 P:2
LOOP n W:15 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:15 S:3 P:2
LOOP f W:15 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP e W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP A W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP t W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP u W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP r W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP s W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:16 S:3 P:2
LOOP o W:16 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP f W:17 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:17 S:3 P:2
LOOP " W:17 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP C W:18 S:3 P:2 quo
LOOP " W:18 S:3 P:2 quo
LOOP   W:18 S:3 P:2
LOOP l W:18 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP a W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP n W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP g W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP u W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP a W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP g W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:19 S:3 P:2
LOOP i W:19 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP n W:20 S:3 P:2
LOOP c W:20 S:3 P:2
LOOP l W:20 S:3 P:2
LOOP u W:20 S:3 P:2
LOOP d W:20 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:20 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:20 S:3 P:2
LOOP l W:20 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP o W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP w W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP - W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP l W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP v W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP l W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:21 S:3 P:2
LOOP a W:21 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP c W:22 S:3 P:2
LOOP c W:22 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:22 S:3 P:2
LOOP s W:22 S:3 P:2
LOOP s W:22 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:22 S:3 P:2
LOOP t W:22 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP o W:23 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:23 S:3 P:2
LOOP m W:23 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP e W:24 S:3 P:2
LOOP m W:24 S:3 P:2
LOOP o W:24 S:3 P:2
LOOP r W:24 S:3 P:2
LOOP y W:24 S:3 P:2
LOOP , W:24 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:24 S:3 P:2
LOOP s W:24 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP i W:25 S:3 P:2
LOOP m W:25 S:3 P:2
LOOP p W:25 S:3 P:2
LOOP l W:25 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:25 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:25 S:3 P:2
LOOP s W:25 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP e W:26 S:3 P:2
LOOP t W:26 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:26 S:3 P:2
LOOP o W:26 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP f W:27 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:27 S:3 P:2
LOOP k W:27 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP e W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP y W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP w W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP o W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP r W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP d W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP s W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP , W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:28 S:3 P:2
LOOP a W:28 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP n W:29 S:3 P:2
LOOP d W:29 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:29 S:3 P:2
LOOP c W:29 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP l W:30 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:30 S:3 P:2
LOOP a W:30 S:3 P:2
LOOP n W:30 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:30 S:3 P:2
LOOP s W:30 S:3 P:2 spc
 COPY {20}
LOOP t W:31 S:3 P:2
LOOP y W:31 S:3 P:2
LOOP l W:31 S:3 P:2
LOOP e W:31 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP   W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP . W:31 S:3 P:2 spc
LOOP {0A} W:31 S:3 P:2 spc dot
inp: 'the LANGUAGE  "C" is a procedural              programming language     .It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"..            the Main feAtures of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style                .{0A}'
buf: 'The language "C" is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by "Dennis Ritchie"{0A} The main features of "C" language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style.{0A}'
TOTAL: length=214 sentences=3 paragraphs=2 words=31