我应该将 rdf:Statement 子类化以进行具体化吗?
Should I subclass rdf:Statement for reification?
我想具体化 'statement about a statement',说我有 userX memberOf groupY
并想就此发表声明(例如,他们于 5 月 11 日加入)。
statementX a rdf:statement
statementX subject userX
statementX predicate memberOf
statementX object groupY
statementX since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime
我的问题是,子类化 rdf:statement
值得吗?说 UserGroupStatement rdf:subClassOf rdf:statement
,然后说 statementX a UserGroupStatement
这有意义吗,这是人们做的事情吗?或者人们只是使用 rdf:statement
,还是创建自己的加入 类?有什么好处和坏处?
有一个 'since' 属性(域 UserGroupStatement
,范围 xsd:datetime
)。但是后来我发现它并不能帮助我指定任何其他内容,因为 UserGroupStatement
的 subject/predicate/object 仍然可以是任何 Resource
。或者出于建模目的,我应该只创建一个新的类似语句的链接对象,而完全忘记 rdf:statement 吗?
如果适合您的用例,您可以子类化 rdf:Statement
但要注意大写字母 S,因为 URI 区分大小写。
然后您可以使用 OWL 进一步限制该子类的属性,但这只会帮助您进行推理。我假设您想验证您的数据,因为该用例 SHACL 或 ShEx 更适合。
@prefix : <http://example.org/>.
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>.
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>.
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>.
# Ontology
:UserStatement rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Statement.
## Knowledge Base
:GroupY a :Group.
:UserX a :User; :memberOf :GroupY.
:AdminX a :Admin; :memberOf :GroupY.
:CorrectStatement a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :UserX;
rdf:predicate :memberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY;
:since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime.
:IncorrectStatement1 a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :AdminX;
rdf:predicate :memberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY;
:since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime.
:IncorrectStatement2 a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :UserX;
rdf:predicate :schmemberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY;
:since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime.
:InorrectStatement3 a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :UserX;
rdf:predicate :memberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY.
# SHACL Shape
:UserStatementShape a sh:NodeShape;
sh:targetClass :UserStatement;
[sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue :UserStatement; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path rdf:subject; sh:class :User; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path rdf:predicate; sh:hasValue :memberOf; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path rdf:object; sh:class :Group; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path :since; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:datatype xsd:dateTime; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1];
sh:closed true.
,安装pySHACL和运行pyshacl test.ttl
$ pyshacl test.ttl
Validation Report
Conforms: False
Results (3):
Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#MinCountConstraintComponent):
Severity: sh:Violation
Source Shape: [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path :since ]
Focus Node: :InorrectStatement3
Result Path: :since
Message: Less than 1 values on :InorrectStatement3->:since
Constraint Violation in HasValueConstraintComponent (http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#HasValueConstraintComponent):
Severity: sh:Violation
Source Shape: [ sh:hasValue :memberOf ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path rdf:predicate ]
Focus Node: :IncorrectStatement2
Result Path: rdf:predicate
Message: Node :IncorrectStatement2->rdf:predicate does not contain a value in the set: [':memberOf']
Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#ClassConstraintComponent):
Severity: sh:Violation
Source Shape: [ sh:class :User ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path rdf:subject ]
Focus Node: :IncorrectStatement1
Value Node: :AdminX
Result Path: rdf:subject
Message: Value does not have class :User
我想具体化 'statement about a statement',说我有 userX memberOf groupY
并想就此发表声明(例如,他们于 5 月 11 日加入)。
statementX a rdf:statement
statementX subject userX
statementX predicate memberOf
statementX object groupY
statementX since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime
我的问题是,子类化 rdf:statement
值得吗?说 UserGroupStatement rdf:subClassOf rdf:statement
,然后说 statementX a UserGroupStatement
这有意义吗,这是人们做的事情吗?或者人们只是使用 rdf:statement
,还是创建自己的加入 类?有什么好处和坏处?
有一个 'since' 属性(域 UserGroupStatement
,范围 xsd:datetime
)。但是后来我发现它并不能帮助我指定任何其他内容,因为 UserGroupStatement
的 subject/predicate/object 仍然可以是任何 Resource
。或者出于建模目的,我应该只创建一个新的类似语句的链接对象,而完全忘记 rdf:statement 吗?
如果适合您的用例,您可以子类化 rdf:Statement
但要注意大写字母 S,因为 URI 区分大小写。
然后您可以使用 OWL 进一步限制该子类的属性,但这只会帮助您进行推理。我假设您想验证您的数据,因为该用例 SHACL 或 ShEx 更适合。
@prefix : <http://example.org/>.
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>.
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>.
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>.
# Ontology
:UserStatement rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Statement.
## Knowledge Base
:GroupY a :Group.
:UserX a :User; :memberOf :GroupY.
:AdminX a :Admin; :memberOf :GroupY.
:CorrectStatement a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :UserX;
rdf:predicate :memberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY;
:since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime.
:IncorrectStatement1 a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :AdminX;
rdf:predicate :memberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY;
:since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime.
:IncorrectStatement2 a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :UserX;
rdf:predicate :schmemberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY;
:since "2022-05-11T11:32:52"^^xsd:dateTime.
:InorrectStatement3 a :UserStatement;
rdf:subject :UserX;
rdf:predicate :memberOf;
rdf:object :GroupY.
# SHACL Shape
:UserStatementShape a sh:NodeShape;
sh:targetClass :UserStatement;
[sh:path rdf:type; sh:hasValue :UserStatement; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path rdf:subject; sh:class :User; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path rdf:predicate; sh:hasValue :memberOf; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path rdf:object; sh:class :Group; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1],
[sh:path :since; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal; sh:datatype xsd:dateTime; sh:minCount 1; sh:maxCount 1];
sh:closed true.
,安装pySHACL和运行pyshacl test.ttl
$ pyshacl test.ttl
Validation Report
Conforms: False
Results (3):
Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#MinCountConstraintComponent):
Severity: sh:Violation
Source Shape: [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path :since ]
Focus Node: :InorrectStatement3
Result Path: :since
Message: Less than 1 values on :InorrectStatement3->:since
Constraint Violation in HasValueConstraintComponent (http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#HasValueConstraintComponent):
Severity: sh:Violation
Source Shape: [ sh:hasValue :memberOf ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path rdf:predicate ]
Focus Node: :IncorrectStatement2
Result Path: rdf:predicate
Message: Node :IncorrectStatement2->rdf:predicate does not contain a value in the set: [':memberOf']
Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#ClassConstraintComponent):
Severity: sh:Violation
Source Shape: [ sh:class :User ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path rdf:subject ]
Focus Node: :IncorrectStatement1
Value Node: :AdminX
Result Path: rdf:subject
Message: Value does not have class :User