无法使用箭头键使用赛普拉斯移动幻灯片 <input type="range">

can't move a Slider <input type="range"> with Cypress using arrowKeys

我正在尝试在这里实施一些测试,但无法将我的逻辑应用于该网站的输入范围: https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/horizontal_slider


it('and a slider is displayed, the slider is moved to a specific position', () =>{

    // to achieve this, we need to know the attributes of the slider component
    // min; max; value and step
    // we need to move the slider using the keyboard (right arrow) to move the slider
    // each type the key is pressed, the slider will move one value equal to the "step" attribute

    const destiny = 1
    const step = 0.5
    const initialValue = 0
    const stepsToReachDestiny = (destiny - initialValue) / step 

    // now we repeat x times (stepsToReachDestiny) 
    // the key press to reach the value
    const keyboardCommandRepeated = '{rightArrow}'.repeat(stepsToReachDestiny)

    // and call the function
    cy.get('.sliderContainer > input').click()

    cy.get('.sliderContainer > input').type(keyboardCommandRepeated)

    // check the value in the slider
    cy.get('.sliderContainer > span')
        .should('have.value', destiny)

滑块就是不动。 赛普拉斯文档说使用 invoke() 方法,但我宁愿避免使用它来查看滑块移动


范围输入不响应赛普拉斯的 .type('{rightArrow}') 但您可以使用 cypress-real-events .realType('{rightarrow}') 代替。

注意 rightarrow 而不是 rightArrow.


<input type="range" min="0.0" max="5.0" step="0.5" value="0" onchange="showValue(this.value)">


这意味着您不能重复 rightarrow,每个步骤都需要单独触发更改事件。

最后,跨度 text 而不是 value

it('and a slider is displayed, the slider is moved to a specific position', () =>{

  const destiny = 1
  const step = 0.5
  const initialValue = 0
  const stepsToReachDestiny = (destiny - initialValue) / step 

  cy.get('.sliderContainer > input').focus()    // use focus instead of click
  // loop the steps so that we can trigger change event each step
  Cypress._.times(stepsToReachDestiny, (i) => {

    const expectedAtThisStep = (i+1) * step

    cy.get('.sliderContainer > input').realType('{rightarrow}')
    cy.get('.sliderContainer > input').trigger('change')

    // check the internal value
    cy.get('.sliderContainer > input')
      .invoke('val').then(val => +val)  // get value text and convert to number
      .should('eq', expectedAtThisStep)

    // check the external span text
    cy.get('.sliderContainer > span')
      .should('have.text', expectedAtThisStep)

  cy.get('.sliderContainer > span')
    .should('have.text', destiny)