如何将此 xml 数据解析为 python 中的 table

how to parse this xml data into table in python

我有以下 xml,我想将其解析为 table。我一直在环顾四周,没有找到好的答案。难的部分是:

  1. 头和数据在不同的子树中
  2. 所有内部标签都具有相同的名称(th 或 td)
Vaccine Date Status Dose Route Site Comment ID
Vaccine A Mon,Mar 15,2019 Done imm.
Vaccine B Tue,Sep 20, 2019 Done imm.

<ns0:text xmlns:ns0="urn:hl7-org:v3">
  <ns0:table border="1" width="100%">
          <ns0:content ID="immunizationDescription1">Vaccin A</ns0:content>
        <ns0:td>Monday, March 15, 2019 at 4:46:00 pm</ns0:td>
        <ns0:td />
        <ns0:td />
        <ns0:td />
          <ns0:content ID="immunizationDescription2">Vaccine B</ns0:content>
        <ns0:td>Tuesday, September 20, 2019 at 12:00:00 am</ns0:td>
        <ns0:td />
        <ns0:td />
        <ns0:td />


from lxml import etree

nsmap = {"ns0": "urn:hl7-org:v3"}
rows = []
cols = doc.xpath('//ns0:thead//ns0:tr//ns0:th/text()', namespaces=nsmap)

for p in doc.xpath('//ns0:tbody//ns0:tr', namespaces=nsmap):
    vaccine = p.xpath('.//ns0:content/text()', namespaces=nsmap)[0]
    id = p.xpath('.//ns0:content/@ID', namespaces=nsmap)[0]
    date = p.xpath('substring-before(.//ns0:td[position()=2]/text()," at")', namespaces=nsmap)
    status = p.xpath('.//ns0:td[position()>2]', namespaces=nsmap)
    row = []
    row.extend([sta.text.strip() if sta.text else "" for sta in status])
    #you could combine the previous two lines into one, but that would make it somewhat less readable


Vaccine     Date    Status  Dose    Route   Site    Comment     ID
0   Vaccin A    Monday, March 15, 2019          Done            immunizationDescription1
1   Vaccine B   Tuesday, September 20, 2019     Done            immunizationDescription2