如果 SQL 有字典和 for-each,则在 table 中插入新值
Inserting new values in a table if SQL had Dictionary and for-each
假设我的 table of myTable
有一个 column1,其中已经有一些值。
现在我得到了一些新值,我应该将它们放入名为 'column2
' 的新创建的列中。
column1 | column2
'ABCHi' | 'newOH'
'TER12' | 'Meow2'
'WhatE' | 'BMW26'
Update myTable SET column2 = 'newOH' WHERE column1 = 'ABCHi'
并对每一行都这样做(我有 32 行要做)。
但我想也许有一种“更好”的方式来做到这一点?就像是 C#
我可以说填充一个 dictionary
然后做一个 for-each
您可以使用 With 子句将“词典”创建为内联视图。
with Dictionary as(
select 'ABCHi' as column1, 'newOH' as column2
union all
select 'TER12' as column1, 'Meow2' as column2
union all
select 'WhatE' as column1, 'BMW26' as column2
SET t.column2=dictionary.column2
FROM mytable t JOIN Dictionary ON t.column1 = Dictionary.column1
您可以使用 Table Value Constructor:
declare @Samples as Table ( Column1 VarChar(10), Column2 VarChar(10) );
-- Initialize the sample data.
insert into @Samples ( Column1 ) values
( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'TER12' ), ( 'WhatE' )
select * from @Samples;
-- Update the second column.
update OSamples
set Column2 = NSamples.Column2
from @Samples as OSamples inner join
( values
( ( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'newOH' ) ),
( ( 'TER12' ), ( 'Meow2' ) ),
( ( 'WhatE' ), ( 'BMW26' ) )
) as NSamples( Column1, Column2 )
on OSamples.Column1 = NSamples.Column1;
select * from @Samples;
假设我的 table of myTable
有一个 column1,其中已经有一些值。
现在我得到了一些新值,我应该将它们放入名为 'column2
' 的新创建的列中。
column1 | column2
'ABCHi' | 'newOH'
'TER12' | 'Meow2'
'WhatE' | 'BMW26'
Update myTable SET column2 = 'newOH' WHERE column1 = 'ABCHi'
并对每一行都这样做(我有 32 行要做)。
但我想也许有一种“更好”的方式来做到这一点?就像是 C#
我可以说填充一个 dictionary
然后做一个 for-each
您可以使用 With 子句将“词典”创建为内联视图。
with Dictionary as(
select 'ABCHi' as column1, 'newOH' as column2
union all
select 'TER12' as column1, 'Meow2' as column2
union all
select 'WhatE' as column1, 'BMW26' as column2
SET t.column2=dictionary.column2
FROM mytable t JOIN Dictionary ON t.column1 = Dictionary.column1
您可以使用 Table Value Constructor:
declare @Samples as Table ( Column1 VarChar(10), Column2 VarChar(10) );
-- Initialize the sample data.
insert into @Samples ( Column1 ) values
( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'TER12' ), ( 'WhatE' )
select * from @Samples;
-- Update the second column.
update OSamples
set Column2 = NSamples.Column2
from @Samples as OSamples inner join
( values
( ( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'newOH' ) ),
( ( 'TER12' ), ( 'Meow2' ) ),
( ( 'WhatE' ), ( 'BMW26' ) )
) as NSamples( Column1, Column2 )
on OSamples.Column1 = NSamples.Column1;
select * from @Samples;