R shiny dataable with styleColorBar 不对齐左侧的数据

R shiny datable with styleColorBar not aligning the data on the left hand side

我有以下代码,我的目标是将 styleColorBar 添加到 WGT 列,对齐列左侧的黄色条。

df = data.frame(WGT=c(10, 10, 15, 5, 30, 8, 2, 5, 1, 4, 10),
                  STATE=c("NY","NJ","OH","TX","CA","NC","MA","FL","AL","PA","AZ"), stringsAsFactors = F)
  dft <- datatable(df, rownames= T,
                   options = list(scrollX = T
                                  , lengthChange = F
                                  , paging =F    # this completely hides  the Next, Previous and Page number at the bottom of the table
                                  , autoWidth = F
                                  , pageLength = 20 # this determines how many rows we want to see per page
                                  , info = F #  this will hide the "Showing 1 of 2..." at the bottom of the table -->  
                                  , searching = F  # this removes the search box  ->  
  dft <- dft %>%  formatStyle('WGT',
                              background = styleColorBar(df[,'WGT'], 'yellow'),
                              backgroundSize = '100% 80%',
                              backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
                              backgroundPosition = 'left')

如您所见,水平黄色条在 WGT 列的右侧对齐,我不明白为什么。我在这里查看了其他类似的帖子,但找不到这个可能很简单的问题的答案。 谢谢



dft <- dft %>%  formatStyle('WGT', 
                            background = styleColorBar(df[,'WGT'], 'yellow', angle = -90),
                            backgroundSize = '100% 80%',
                            backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
                            backgroundPosition = 'center')
