Unable to retrieve the correct value from a list of object within object
我是 javascript 的新手,我一直在努力应对这类挑战。我了解问题并实施逻辑来解决问题,但我无法正确显示值。
const contacts = [
name: "Laurel",
phone: "123 456 7890",
email: "laurel@comics.com",
friends: ["Hardy", "Abbott", "Costello"],
name: "Hardy",
phone: "321 654 0987",
email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com",
friends: ["Laurel", "Buster"],
name: "Buster",
phone: "987 654 3210",
email: "buster@keaton.ca",
friends: ["Hardy"],
name: "Abbott",
phone: "888 123 4567",
email: "abbott@whosonfirst.co",
friends: ["Costello", "Laurel"],
name: "Costello",
phone: "767 676 7676",
email: "costello@imonfirst.co",
friends: ["Abbott", "Laurel"],
function findFriend(contacts, name, field) {
let results = {};
contacts.forEach(function (elm) {
// loop through all contacts and look for name
if (elm.name === name) {
// select the first friend
let friend = elm.friends[0];
contacts.forEach((elm) => {
// looking for the friend in the contacts object
if (elm.name === friend) {
// when found - this will get the required field and write it to the result
results = elm[field];
return results; // return the results
/ Test cases
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Abbott", "phone")); // returns {name: "Costello", phone: "767 676 7676"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Buster", "email")); // returns {name: "Hardy", email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Bob", "phone")); // returns "Not found"
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Costello", "birthday")); // returns "Not found"
您应该将 results = elm[field];
更改为 if (elm[field]) { results[field] = elm[field]; results.name = elm.name; }
这是因为您需要验证 属性 是否存在。你也应该把return results;
改成return Object.keys(results).length ? results : "Not found";
const contacts = [
name: "Laurel",
phone: "123 456 7890",
email: "laurel@comics.com",
friends: ["Hardy", "Abbott", "Costello"],
name: "Hardy",
phone: "321 654 0987",
email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com",
friends: ["Laurel", "Buster"],
name: "Buster",
phone: "987 654 3210",
email: "buster@keaton.ca",
friends: ["Hardy"],
name: "Abbott",
phone: "888 123 4567",
email: "abbott@whosonfirst.co",
friends: ["Costello", "Laurel"],
name: "Costello",
phone: "767 676 7676",
email: "costello@imonfirst.co",
friends: ["Abbott", "Laurel"],
function findFriend(contacts, name, field) {
let results = {};
contacts.forEach(function (elm) {
// loop through all contacts and look for name
if (elm.name === name) {
// select the first friend
let friend = elm.friends[0];
contacts.forEach((elm) => {
// looking for the friend in the contacts object
if (elm.name === friend) {
// when found - this will get the required field and write it to the result
if (elm[field]) {
results[field] = elm[field];
results.name = elm.name;
return Object.keys(results).length ? results : "Not found"; // return the results
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Abbott", "phone")); // returns {name: "Costello", phone: "767 676 7676"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Buster", "email")); // returns {name: "Hardy", email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Bob", "phone")); // returns "Not found"
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Costello", "birthday")); // returns "Not found"
我是 javascript 的新手,我一直在努力应对这类挑战。我了解问题并实施逻辑来解决问题,但我无法正确显示值。
const contacts = [
name: "Laurel",
phone: "123 456 7890",
email: "laurel@comics.com",
friends: ["Hardy", "Abbott", "Costello"],
name: "Hardy",
phone: "321 654 0987",
email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com",
friends: ["Laurel", "Buster"],
name: "Buster",
phone: "987 654 3210",
email: "buster@keaton.ca",
friends: ["Hardy"],
name: "Abbott",
phone: "888 123 4567",
email: "abbott@whosonfirst.co",
friends: ["Costello", "Laurel"],
name: "Costello",
phone: "767 676 7676",
email: "costello@imonfirst.co",
friends: ["Abbott", "Laurel"],
function findFriend(contacts, name, field) {
let results = {};
contacts.forEach(function (elm) {
// loop through all contacts and look for name
if (elm.name === name) {
// select the first friend
let friend = elm.friends[0];
contacts.forEach((elm) => {
// looking for the friend in the contacts object
if (elm.name === friend) {
// when found - this will get the required field and write it to the result
results = elm[field];
return results; // return the results
/ Test cases
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Abbott", "phone")); // returns {name: "Costello", phone: "767 676 7676"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Buster", "email")); // returns {name: "Hardy", email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Bob", "phone")); // returns "Not found"
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Costello", "birthday")); // returns "Not found"
您应该将 results = elm[field];
更改为 if (elm[field]) { results[field] = elm[field]; results.name = elm.name; }
这是因为您需要验证 属性 是否存在。你也应该把return results;
改成return Object.keys(results).length ? results : "Not found";
const contacts = [
name: "Laurel",
phone: "123 456 7890",
email: "laurel@comics.com",
friends: ["Hardy", "Abbott", "Costello"],
name: "Hardy",
phone: "321 654 0987",
email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com",
friends: ["Laurel", "Buster"],
name: "Buster",
phone: "987 654 3210",
email: "buster@keaton.ca",
friends: ["Hardy"],
name: "Abbott",
phone: "888 123 4567",
email: "abbott@whosonfirst.co",
friends: ["Costello", "Laurel"],
name: "Costello",
phone: "767 676 7676",
email: "costello@imonfirst.co",
friends: ["Abbott", "Laurel"],
function findFriend(contacts, name, field) {
let results = {};
contacts.forEach(function (elm) {
// loop through all contacts and look for name
if (elm.name === name) {
// select the first friend
let friend = elm.friends[0];
contacts.forEach((elm) => {
// looking for the friend in the contacts object
if (elm.name === friend) {
// when found - this will get the required field and write it to the result
if (elm[field]) {
results[field] = elm[field];
results.name = elm.name;
return Object.keys(results).length ? results : "Not found"; // return the results
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Abbott", "phone")); // returns {name: "Costello", phone: "767 676 7676"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Buster", "email")); // returns {name: "Hardy", email: "hardy@hardyharhar.com"}
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Bob", "phone")); // returns "Not found"
console.log(findFriend(contacts, "Costello", "birthday")); // returns "Not found"