使用 showInputDialog 获取用户输入以退出程序

Using showInputDialog to get user input to quit program

我正在尝试使用 showInputDialog 让用户在想要退出程序时输入 N 或 n。我正在使用 do-while 循环,我认为我的逻辑是错误的。当我输入 N 或 n 时,程序会继续 运行 通过循环。


public static void main(String args[]) {
    MyClass app = new MyClass();
    String quit;
    // get user input until they quit
    do {

        boolean validEntry1 = false;
        do {
            String userEntry;
            double num1;
            // check for valid numerical entry and catch invalid entries
            try {
                userEntry = JOptionPane
                        .showInputDialog("Enter number 1");
                num1 = Double.parseDouble(userEntry);
                validEntry1 = true;

            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        "Please enter a valid number");
        } while (!validEntry1);

        // gets user input for number 2
        boolean validEntry2 = false;
        do {
            String userEntry1;
            double num2;
            // check for valid numerical input for num2
            try {
                userEntry1 = JOptionPane
                        .showInputDialog("Enter number 2");
                num2 = Double.parseDouble(userEntry1);
                validEntry2 = true;
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        "Please enter a valid number");
        } while (!validEntry2);

         //this method gives the result of a multiplying num1 and num2

        // prompt user to continue
        quit = JOptionPane
                .showInputDialog("Enter N or n to quit. Enter any other key to continue.");

    } while (quit != "N" || quit != "n"); //this is where I am having issues, It continues to loop regardless of what I enter.
}// end of main


有没有更好的方法让用户在 gui 中输入退出?

quit 是 String 您应该使用 .equalsIgnoreCase() 进行比较。


while (!quit.equalsIgnoreCase("n"));

字符串是对象,因此它们使用 equals 方法进行比较,或者在这种情况下,您可以对这两种情况使用 equalsIgnoreCase