
Find sorting algorithm for an elevators floor travel schedule, starting from the current floor with preselected floors to reach and a travel direction

我正在用 React 制作电梯,但我需要制作一个函数,将数组排序到最接近数字 X 的位置,并且还有电梯上升或下降的条件,


您现在在 3 楼,点击按钮 UP 然后点击数字 2 -> 5 -> 4 -> 1

数组应该按如下方式排序:3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 2 -> 1 .


let currentFloor = 3; 
let direction = "UP";
let clickedButtons = [2,5,4,1];

// ClickedButtons after sorted
 clickedButtons = [4,5,2,1]

您可以将数组分成两个数组。一个仅包含比 currentFloor 更高的数字,另一个仅包含更低的数字,例如:

let lowerFloors = clickedButtons.filter(floor => floor > currnentFloor);
let upperFloors = clickedButtons.filter(floor => floor > currnentFloor);

然后对每个数组进行排序,lowerFloors 为降序,higherFloors 为升序。

upperFloors = upperFloors.sort((a, b) => {
  return a - b;

lowerFloors = lowerFloors.sort((a, b) => {
  return a - b;
lowerFloors = lowerFloors.reverse();

然后合并两个数组。如果你上升 upperFloors 数组将是第一个,否则 lowerFloors 将是第一个。

let newArray;

if (direction === "UP") {
 newArray = upperFloors.concat(lowerFloors);
} else {
 newArray = lowerFloors.concat(upperFloors)





let arr = [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6];

let x = 3;

const goUp = (num, arr) => arr.filter(obj => obj > num).sort((a, b) => a - b)
const goDown = (num, arr) => arr.filter(obj => obj < num).sort((a, b) => b - a)

function printSequence(arr, initial, direction) {
  if (direction === 'up') {
    console.log(goUp(initial, arr).concat(goDown(initial, arr)))
  } else {
    console.log(goDown(initial, arr).concat(goUp(initial, arr)))

printSequence(arr, 3, 'up')
printSequence(arr, 3, 'down')


@Cedric ... 1/2 With this scenario the only sorting needed is e.g. an ascending sorting of all floor numbers ... [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ... one find's the index of the current floor number 3 which is 2 ... 'up' will be translated into direction vector of 1, thus one takes 1st everything higher than index 2 or right from index 2 ... and 2nd everything left from index 2 ... result ... [4, 5, 2, 1].

@Cedric ... 2/2 One does likewise for 'down'/-1 where one 1st takes everything left from index 2 and 2nd everything right from index 2 ... result ... [2, 1, 4, 5]. There is no sorting magic since with the known preset of either 'up' or 'down' the floor travel schedule is obvious.


function getFloorTravelSchedule(
  direction = 'up',
  floorNumber = 0,
  floorTravelList = [],
) {
  direction = ((direction === 'up') && 1) || -1;

  function getTravelPrecedence(a, b) {
    return (
      (a > floorNumber && b > floorNumber && a - b) ||
      (a < floorNumber && b < floorNumber && b - a) ||
      ((a > floorNumber && b < floorNumber && -1) || 1) * direction
  return Array
const currentFloorNumber = 3;
const selectedFloorNumbers = [2, 5, 4, 1];

const upwardFloorTravelSchedule =
  getFloorTravelSchedule('up', currentFloorNumber, selectedFloorNumbers);
const downwardFloorTravelSchedule =
  getFloorTravelSchedule('down', currentFloorNumber, selectedFloorNumbers);


  "getFloorTravelSchedule('up', 3, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6]) ...",
  getFloorTravelSchedule('up', 3, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6])
  "getFloorTravelSchedule('down', 3, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6]) ...",
  getFloorTravelSchedule('down', 3, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6])

  "getFloorTravelSchedule('up', 7, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6]) ...",
  getFloorTravelSchedule('up', 7, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6])
  "getFloorTravelSchedule('down', 0, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6]) ...",
  getFloorTravelSchedule('down', 0, [10, 4, 8, 1, -2, 6])
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我们正在寻找一种功能,它可以乘坐静止的电梯,但已经选择了方向,并且可以访问一组楼层;它应该 return 整个新状态。如果我们只需要预定停靠站列表,我们可以从这个状态读取它。

我们可以通过调用电梯到给定楼层的函数来构建它,只需将楼层列表和初始状态折叠成新状态即可。所以 addStops 将取决于 call -- 这本身对于将电梯呼叫到给定楼层很有用。


const sortStops = (current, direction, stops) => {
  const floors = [... stops] .sort ((a, b) => a - b)
  const above = floors .filter ((f) => f > current)
  const below = floors .filter ((f) => f < current) .reverse ()
  return direction == 'UP' ? [... above, ...below] : [...below, ...above]

const call = ({current, direction, stops}, floor) => { 
  const newStops = sortStops ([... new Set ([...stops, floor])], direction, current)
  const newDirection = newStops .length ? (newStops [0] > current ? 'UP' : 'DOWN') : direction
  return {current, direction: newDirection, stops: newStops}

const addStops = ({current, direction, stops}, floors) =>
  sortStops (current, direction, stops) .reduce (call, elevator)

// our initial elevator state: on floor 3, headed up, with no stops scheduled
const elevator = {current: 3, direction: 'UP', stops: []}

console .log (addStops (elevator, [2, 5, 4, 1]))

这将 return

{current: 3, direction: "UP", stops: [4, 5, 2, 1]}


const stop = ({current, stops, direction}) => stops .length
  ? {
      current: stops [0], 
      stops: stops .slice (1), 
      direction: stops .length > 1 ? stops [1] > stops [0] ? 'UP' : 'DOWN' : 'N/A'
  : {current, stops, direction: 'N/A'}

const elevator = {current: 3, stops: [], direction: 'UP'}

如果我们在 {current:3, direction: "UP", stops:[4,5,2,1]} 上调用 stop,我们将得到

{current:4, direction: "UP", stops:[5,2,1]}


{current:5, direction: "DOWN", stops:[2,1]}


{current:2, direction: "DOWN", stops:[1]}

{current:1, direction: "N/A", stops:[]}


{current:1, direction: "N/A", stops:[]}

我们还可以编写其他函数 -- 也许是 cancelAllStops 以防出现火警。关键是我们可以使用一些简单的函数来处理不可变状态对象。在 object-oriented 系统中,这些将是可变对象上的方法。在这里它们只是简单的函数。这是构建数据的一种非常有用的方法。

  • 楼层列表可以分为两组,一组包含当前楼层以上的所有楼层,另一组包含当前楼层以下的所有楼层。

  • 楼层较高的群组,无论方向如何,始终需要按升序排序。

  • 包含较低楼层的群组,无论方向如何,始终需要按降序排序。

  • 如果方向是“向上”,则高层组需要出现在低层组之前。

  • 如果方向是“DOWN”,那么低层组需要出现在高层组之前。

function getRoute(dir, currFloor, floorList) {
  return floorList
    .reduce((g, f) => (g[+(dir === "UP" ? f < currFloor : f > currFloor)].push(f), g), [[], []])
    .flatMap((g, i) => g.sort((a, b) => (dir === "UP" ? 2 * i - 1 : 1 - 2 * i) * (b - a)));

console.log(getRoute("UP", 3, [5, 1, 4, 7, 2, 0]));
console.log(getRoute("DOWN", 3, [5, 1, 4, 7, 2, 0]));
console.log(getRoute("UP", 5, [1, 0, 2]));
console.log(getRoute("UP", 4, [7, 9, 5, 10]));
console.log(getRoute("DOWN", 5, [1, 0, 2]));
console.log(getRoute("DOWN", 4, [7, 9, 5, 10]));
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  1. 使用Array.prototype.reducefloorList分组,根据dir决定哪一组先出现。

  2. 使用Array.prototype.flatMap对较高楼层组进行升序排序,对较低楼层组进行降序排序。