SQL OLAP 与 KQL || row_number() 在 SQL 与 KQL 中的分区

SQL OLAP vs KQL || row_number() over partition by in SQL vs KQL

我在 SQL 中有 OLAP 查询,要求是使用 KQL 在 ADX(Azure 数据资源管理器)中获取相同的查询结果。

我是 KQL 的新手,正在尝试将相同的 SQL 转换为 KQL,但无法在 KQL 中逐个分区实现 row_number()。

尝试了 MS 的以下文章,但使用 EXPLAIN 关键字没有成功。



Select logdate, adlspathL, count as totalRequests ,repeated as repeatedInLast7Days 
from (select logdate, adlspathL, count ,SUM(rnk1) over(partition by adlspathL) repeated, rnk2
from(Select logdate, adlspathL, count, rnk,
       rank() over(partition by adlspathL order by adlspathL) rnk1,
       row_number() over(partition by adlspathL order by count desc) rnk2 
from (Select logdate, adlspathL, count,
       rank() over(partition by logdate order by count desc) rnk from ( Select logdate, adlspath as adlspathL, SUM(cnt) count 
from `LogAnalyticsADLS`.`LogAnalyticsProdADLSAgg_OpsName`
       where logdate between '2021-08-23' and '2021-08-29'
group by logdate, adlspathL
where rnk between 1 and 10
order by logdate , rnk
where rnk2 =1

谢谢, 梵天

这是一个 KQL 解决方案。
目前没有用于排名的 built-in 函数,仅用于密集排名(row_rank), however a rank functionallity could be achieved by the scan 运算符。
使用 arg_max 函数可以轻松实现从同一行检索最大值 + 附加值。

// Generation of a data sample. Not a prat of the solution
let loganalyticsprodadlsagg_opsname = range i from 1 to 1000 step 1 | project logdate = bin(datetime(2021-09-01) - 10d*rand(), 1d),  adlspath = strcat("adlspath_", tostring(toint(rand(15)))), cnt = toint(rand(100));
// Solution starts here.
| where logdate between (datetime('2021-08-23') .. datetime('2021-08-29'))
| summarize cnt = sum(cnt) by logdate, adlspath
| partition by logdate
        order by cnt desc
      | scan  declare(rank:int = 1, rn:int = 0)
            step s : True => rn = s.rn + 1, rank = iff(cnt == s.cnt, s.rank, s.rn+1);
      | where rank <= 10
| summarize totalrequests = arg_max(cnt, logdate), repeatedInLast7Days = count() by adlspath
adlspath totalrequests logdate repeatedInLast7Days
adlspath_7 644 2021-08-23T00:00:00Z 4
adlspath_8 472 2021-08-23T00:00:00Z 6
adlspath_1 760 2021-08-24T00:00:00Z 6
adlspath_12 400 2021-08-24T00:00:00Z 5
adlspath_5 599 2021-08-24T00:00:00Z 3
adlspath_11 410 2021-08-25T00:00:00Z 4
adlspath_14 469 2021-08-25T00:00:00Z 5
adlspath_13 565 2021-08-25T00:00:00Z 6
adlspath_9 472 2021-08-25T00:00:00Z 2
adlspath_2 514 2021-08-26T00:00:00Z 6
adlspath_10 391 2021-08-26T00:00:00Z 4
adlspath_3 414 2021-08-27T00:00:00Z 4
adlspath_6 594 2021-08-28T00:00:00Z 3
adlspath_0 499 2021-08-28T00:00:00Z 6
adlspath_4 552 2021-08-29T00:00:00Z 6
