AutoHotKey 日期解析返回今天的日期

AutoHotKey Date Parsing returning today's date

我一直在研究 QoL 宏,以将选定的文本日期转换为所需的格式。为此,我试图利用从 AHK 存档论坛引用的 DateParse 函数。在浏览了该线程的所有 7 页后,none 的实现似乎对我有用。似乎无论我的日期字符串发送到第一个 RegEx 表达式如何,一个空白值都是 returned。除此之外,我仍然不清楚为什么 return 是今天的日期。 FormateTime 函数将 return 今天的日期,但该函数未在 DateParse 中使用。

如果能提供将所选文本从未知日期格式转换为 YYYY-MM-DD 所需输出的任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。


2022 年 5 月 1 日

所有 return 来自 DateParse 函数的当前日期。我正在使用 AHK 版本


Function: DateParse
Converts almost any date format to a YYYYMMDDHH24MISS value.

str - a date/time stamp as a string

A valid YYYYMMDDHH24MISS value which can be used by FormatTime, EnvAdd and other timecommands.

> time := DateParse("2:35 PM, 27 November, 2007")

- Version 1.05 <https://ahknet.autoh...ene/#dateparse>
- Dedicated to the public domain (CC0 1.0) <http://creativecommo...main/zero/1.0/>

DateParse(str) {
     static e2 = "i)(? :(\d{1,2}+)[\s\.\-\/,]+)?(\d{1,2}| 
     str := RegExReplace(str, "((?:" . SubStr(e2, 42, 47) . ")\w*)(\s*)(\d{1,2})\b", "", "", 1)
     If RegExMatch(str, "i)^\s*(? :(\d{4})([\s\-:\/])(\d{1,2})(\d{1,2}))?"
          . "(?:\s*[T\s](\d{1,2})([\s\-:\/])(\d{1,2})(?:(\d{1,2})\s*(?:(Z)|(\+|\-)?"
          . "(\d{1,2})(\d{1,2})(?:(\d{1,2}))?)?)?)?\s*$", i)
          d3 := i1, d2 := i3, d1 := i4, t1 := i5, t2 := i7, t3 := i8
     Else If !RegExMatch(str, "^\W*(\d{1,2}+)(\d{2})\W*$", t)
          RegExMatch(str, "i)(\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(\d{1,2})(?:\s*(\d{1,2}))?(?:\s*([ap]m))?", t)
          , RegExMatch(str, e2, d)
     f = %A_FormatFloat%
     SetFormat, Float, 02.0
     d := (d3 ? (StrLen(d3) = 2 ? 20 : "") . d3 : A_YYYY)
          . ((d2 := d2 + 0 ? d2 : (InStr(e2, SubStr(d2, 1, 3)) - 40) // 4 + 1.0) > 0
          ? d2 + 0.0 : A_MM) . ((d1 += 0.0) ? d1 : A_DD) . t1
          + (t1 = 12 ? t4 = "am" ? -12.0 : 0.0 : t4 = "am" ? 0.0 : 12.0) . t2 + 0.0 . t3 + 0.0
     SetFormat, Float, %f%
     Return, d


      clipSave := Clipboard                                         
      Clipboard =                                                   ; Empty the clipboard so that ClipWait has something to detect
      SendInput, ^c                                                 ; copy selected text
      StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `n, All                ; Fix for SendInput sending Windows linebreaks

      msgbox Input is %Clipboard%
      msgbox % "Result is " vDate := DateParse(Clipboard)

      ;vDate := Clipboard
      ;Msgbox % vDate
      ;vDate := DateParse("2022-02-02")
      ;Msgbox % vDate
      ;FormatTime, vDate, %test%, d
      ;Msgbox % vDate
      ;FormatTime, %myDate, ahk_now, yyyy-MM-dd
      ;send %myDate%

      ;Len:= Strlen(Clipboard)                                      ;Set number of characters
      ;SendInput %Clipboard%                                            ;Send new string
      ;SendInput +{left %Len%}                                      ;Re-select text
      VarSetCapacity(OutputText, 0)                                     ;free memory
      Clipboard := clipSave                                             ;Restore previous clipboard

根据 T_lube 的建议,我搜索了某些格式的更直接转换,并找到了另一个代码示例 (Albeiro & Mikeyww),它让我非常接近最终结果。

ConvDate(dateString, dateType := "", locale := "Month first")
{   ; Version .: 19-09-2020
    ; From @mikeyww (modified Albireo)
    ; dateString - The date in some dateformat
    ; Convertformat .:
    ; dateType = 1 - handle .:
    ;   - Tue Aug 11 13:59:27 2020 to (yyyymmdd - 20200811)
    ; locale := "Month first" Assume that the month is placed first in the string (default)
    ; eg.
    ; ConvDate(dt, TypeDate, locale)
    ; ConvDate("Tue Aug 11 13:59:27 2020", "1")         => 20200811
    ; ConvDate("13.10.20")                              => 20201013
    ; ConvDate("20.07.03")                              => 20200703
    ; ConvDate("7.5.2020")                              => 20200705
    ; ConvDate("7.5.2020",,"Day first")                 => 20200507
    ; ConvDate("01192020")                              => 20200119
    ; ConvDate("19-8-2020")                             => 20200819 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("2020.05.07")                            => 20200507 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("19012020")                              => 20200119 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("200928")                                => 20200928 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("2020/10/05")                            => 20201005 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("2020-10-05")                            => 20201005 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("5 okt 2020")                            => 20201005 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("05 okt 2020")                           => 20201005 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("5 oktober 2020")                        => 20201005 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("5-10-2020")                             => 20201005 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("Okt 5, 2020")                           => 20201005 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("20200119")                              => 20200119 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("20200119")                              => 20200119 - Not affected by "Month first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("01192020")                              => 20200119 - "Only first" or "Day first"
    ; ConvDate("10.8.20") ERROR                         => 1020 (- Input not handled)
    ; ConvDate("10.8.20",,"Day first") ERROR            => 0820 (- Input not handled)
    ; ConvDate("8.19.2020",,"Day first") ERROR          => 20201908 (- Wrong date input)
    ; ConvDate("01192020",, "Day first") ERROR          => 20201901 (- Wrong date input)
    ; different test dates 
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("Tue Aug 11 13:59:27 2020", 1, "Month first")
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("30 juli 2020",, "Day first")
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("09-10-20",, "Day first") ; dd-mm-yy
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("15-05-20",, "Day first") ; dd-mm-yy
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("200820",, "Day first") ; ddmmyy
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("200730") ; yymmdd
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("200818") ; yymmdd
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("200928") ; yymmdd
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("20201013")
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("20-05-06") ; yy-mm-dd
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("20.07.03") ;
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("18.08.2020",, "Day first")
    ;   vDate := ConvDate("13.10.2020",, "Day first")
    mos := {    jan: 1
        ,   feb: 2
        ,   mar: 3
        ,   apr: 4
        ,   maj: 5
        ,   may: 5
        ,   jun: 6
        ,   jul: 7
        ,   aug: 8
        ,   sep: 9
        ,   okt: 10
        ,   oct: 10
        ,   nov: 11
        ,   dec: 12}
    yeard := False
    part := []
    new := []
    dt := StrReplace(dateString, ",")   ; Rensa bort alla "kommatecken" 
    If dateType
    {   If dateType = 1
        {   ; To Convert - Tue Aug 11 13:59:27 2020 - to  (20200811)
            locale := "Day first"
            dt1 := StrSplit(dateString, A_Space)
            dt := dt1.3 " " dt1.2 " " dt1.5
    md := locale = "Month first" ? True : False
    If RegExMatch(dt, "^\d{2}[-.]\d{2}[-.]\d{2}$")
        dt := RegExReplace(dt, "[-.]")

    If RegExMatch(dt, "^\d{6}$")
    {   f2 := SubStr(dt, 1, 2)
        If (f2 > 19)
            dt := f2 + 2000 SubStr(dt, 3)
            dt := SubStr(dt, 1, 4) Substr(dt, 5) + 2000
    If RegExMatch(dt, "\d{8}")
        ff := (SubStr(dt, 1, 4) > 1999) * 2, 
            . dt := SubStr(dt, 1, (ff + 3) - 1) "-" 
            . SubStr(dt, ff + 3, (ff + 5)- (ff + 3)) "-" 
            . SubStr(dt, ff + 5)
    part := StrSplit(dt, [A_Space, "/", "-", "."])              ; Get year, month, day
    For index, this in part
    {   If this is alpha
        {   For moName, moNum in mos
            {   If SubStr(this, 1, 3) = moName                  ; Month matched a known string
                    part[index] := moNum, md := index = 1 ? True : False ; If string starts with alpha month, then day follows it
    For index, this in part
    {   If !RegExMatch(this, "\d{4}")                           ; This part is not the year
        {   md := this > 12 ? (index > 1 ? True : False) : md   ; For numbers > 12, if it's second, then month precedes it
            new[new[3-md] ? md+2 : 3-md] := this                ; Populate the month or day slot
        } Else new[1] := this, md := index = 1 ? True : md      ; If year comes first, then the month follows it
    Return Format("{}-{:02}-{:02}", new[1], new[2], new[3])

我对正则表达式相当熟悉,我认为其中一些表达式无法正确编译(特别是文字字符串中的“?:”)。在每次调用 regexMatch 后尝试通过 msgbox 使用 ErrorLevel。我愿意打赌它会默默地抛出有关编译问题的错误。

如果我处于这个位置,我会找出您要 运行 的有限数量的格式,然后使用 regexMatch 简单地检查每个格式。我认为这将是更易于维护的代码。