SwiftUI Create Picker 可以添加元素

SwiftUI Create Picker with possibility to add elements

我正在尝试构建一个带有类别的 swift 应用程序,我为我的类别创建了一个选择器,但我希望能够在选择器本身内部创建一个类别。但我不知道如何正确地做到这一点,我已经尝试了一些粗略的东西,但它有点丑陋并且可以按照我想做的方式工作。


import SwiftUI

struct CategoryPicker: View {
    @Binding var selection: TransactionCategory?
    @Binding var userData: UserData
    var body: some View {
        Picker("category", selection: $selection) {
            CategoryView(category: nil)
                .tag(nil as TransactionCategory?)
            ForEach(userData.transactionsCategories) { category in
                CategoryView(category: category)
                    .tag(category as TransactionCategory?)


struct CustomPickerExperiments: View {
    @Binding var selection: TransactionCategory?
    @Binding var userData: UserData
    @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentation
    @State var color = Color.white
    @State var name = ""
    var body: some View {
        List {
            Section(header: Text("new-category")) {
                NavigationLink("add-category", destination: CategoryEditView(userData: $userData))
            Section(header: Text("categories")) {
                CategoryView(category: nil)
                    .tag(nil as TransactionCategory?)
                    .onTapGesture {
                        if(selection != nil) {
                            selection = nil as TransactionCategory?
                ForEach(userData.transactionsCategories) { category in
                    CategoryView(category: category)
                        .tag(category as TransactionCategory?)
                        .onTapGesture {
                            if(selection != category) {
                                selection = category as TransactionCategory?

但据我了解,Menu 可能是一种更简单的方法:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var categories = [
        Category(name: "Beer"),
        Category(name: "Red Wine"),
        Category(name: "Water"),
        Category(name: "Juice")
    @State private var selection: Category?
    @State private var showingSheet = false
    @State private var newName = "New Category"

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Menu(selection?.name ?? "no selection") {
                Button("New Category ...") {
                        showingSheet = true

                ForEach(categories) { category in
                    Button(category.name) { selection = category }
        .sheet(isPresented: $showingSheet, onDismiss: {
            if !newName.isEmpty {
                let newCat = Category(name: newName)
                selection = newCat
                newName = ""
        }, content: {
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                Text("Add Category").font(.headline)
                TextField("New Name", text: $newName)
    struct Category: Identifiable, Hashable {
        let id = UUID()
        var name: String
