
How to import two different things called the same from different modules?


from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

img = Image.new('RGB', (1600,1600), (0,0,0)) 
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

red = (255,0,0)
for x in range(0, 1600, 200):
    for y in range(0, 1600, 200):
        draw.rectangle(((0+x,0+y),(99+x,99+y)), red)
for x in range(100, 1600, 200):
    for y in range(100, 1600, 200):
        draw.rectangle(((0+x,0+y),(99+x,99+y)), red)

from wand.image import Image
img.swirl(degree =-90)



AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 18>()
     14         draw.rectangle(((0+x,0+y),(99+x,99+y)), top)
     16 from wand.image import Image
---> 18 img.swirl(degree =-90)
     20 img

File /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/PIL/Image.py:548, in Image.__getattr__(self, name)
    541     warnings.warn(
    542         "Image categories are deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 "
    543         "(2023-07-01). Use is_animated instead.",
    544         DeprecationWarning,
    545         stacklevel=2,
    546     )
    547     return self._category
--> 548 raise AttributeError(name)

AttributeError: swirl


from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

img = Image.new('RGB', (1600,1600), (0,0,0)) 
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

top = (255,0,0)

for x in range(0, 1600, 200):
    for y in range(0, 1600, 200):
        draw.rectangle(((0+x,0+y),(99+x,99+y)), top)
for x in range(100, 1600, 200):
    for y in range(100, 1600, 200):
        draw.rectangle(((0+x,0+y),(99+x,99+y)), top)

from wand.image import Image as ooo
with ooo(img) as img:
    img.swirl(degree =-90)



TypeError: image must be a wand.image.Image instance, not <PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=1600x1600 at 0x7FE681031600>
from wand.image import Image as <an_alias>

您可以使用 mhmtsrmn 描述的别名:

from wand.image import Image as <an_alias>


import PIL
import wand.image

img = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (1600,1600), (0,0,0)) 
draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)

with wand.image.Image(filename='file.png') as wand_img:

这也可能有助于消除对您的问题的误解:.swirl() is a function on wand.image.Image, not on PIL.Image。由于它们是两个独立的 类,您不能简单地在 PIL.Image.

的实例上调用 .swirl()