条纹 API "No valid payment method types for this Payment Intent."

Stripe API "No valid payment method types for this Payment Intent."

如您所想,我目前正在使用 Stripe 设置付款 API。 问题是,我以前从未做过这样的事情,而且我几乎是 1 乘 1 地关注文档。

所以我需要使用(100% 正确!)密钥进行条带化。

const stripe = require("stripe")(


const paymentIntent = stripe.paymentIntents.create({
  amount: process.env.AUDIT_PRICE,
  currency: "eur",
  automatic_payment_methods: { enabled: true },


exports.createNewCashOrder = async (req, res) => {
  const intent = await paymentIntent();
  res.json({ client_secret: intent.client_secret });

其余的暂时无关紧要,因为我的后端服务器甚至没有在本地主机上启动。 实际上它只存在了 0.001 秒,然后因为这个错误而崩溃:

StripeInvalidRequestError: No valid payment method types for this Payment Intent. Please ensure that you have activated payment methods compatible with your chosen currency in your dashboard



知道我做错了什么吗? 很高兴得到任何帮助,谢谢!

这只是预感,是不是你的量太少了? https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-amount


automatic_payment_methods: {enabled: true}

Stripe 正在寻找可以处理低于最低金额的付款方式,因此您会收到此错误。尝试指定一种付款方式,看看您是否收到表明金额过低的不同错误消息。


A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge .00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency).