Elif 和 if 语句无法正常工作

Elif and if statement not working in and out of function


class Car:
y = 0
x = 0
x_miles = y / 5280
y_miles = x / 5280
direction = 0
speed = 100
fps = speed * 1.467
Cords = {x}, {y}
Cords_miles = x_miles, y_miles

def driving(self):
    drv = 'start'
    while drv != 'stop':
        if Car.direction == -270:
            Car.direction = 90
        elif Car.direction == 270:
            Car.direction = -90
        elif Car.direction == -180:
            Car.direction = 180
        drv = input('Say W(Forward), S(Stop), A(TurnLeft), D(TurnRight), C(GetCords): ').lower
        if drv == 's':
        print('this never gets executed, as well as the elifs statements after')
            print('this always gets executed')

问题是当我调用函数然后输入一个输入时,例如,如果我给它字母s,它会立即跳到else语句。这是我输入 s:

Say W(Forward), S(Stop), A(TurnLeft), D(TurnRight), C(GetCords): s
this always gets executed


.lower 后缺少括号。如您所见 here,没有括号,您只是设置对 lower 方法的引用但实际上并未调用它。