为存储的 rpivottable 配置名称创建一个单选按钮列表
Make a radiobutton list for the stored rpivottable configuration name
以下是一个 link 代码,可以让您节省一些配置,只要您不清除 cookie,就可以随时加载。
- 使用自定义名称保存
- 按名称检索
- 通过单选按钮检索
- 通过按钮删除
title: "testing rpivotTable cookie-ishness"
author: "me"
date: '2022-05-12'
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
body { /*push content away from far right and left edges*/
margin-right: 2%;
margin-left: 2%;
.main-container {
max-width: unset;
.btn { /*Added other buttons*/
vertical-align: middle;
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 10px 14px -7px #000000;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 10px 14px -7px #000000;
box-shadow: 0px 10px 14px -7px #000000;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
border: .5px solid black;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 1.15em; /*Changed from 1.3em*/
padding: .3em 0px;
width: 20em; /*Changed from 18em*/
text-decoration: none; /*no underline!!*/
cursor: pointer;
.btn:active { /*simulate movement; added other buttons*/
position: relative;
top: 1px;
```{r data,include=F}
# devtools::install_github("fraupflaume/rpivotTable")
按钮(不是单选按钮)和 rpivotTable
## Make it Interesting...or not
Do you want to save or restore the previously saved pivot tables' configuration?
<a id='saveNamed' class='btn' style="background-color:#003b70;color:white;">Save Configuration by Name</a>
<a id='restoNamed' class='btn' style="background-color:#b21e29;color:white;">Restore Configuration with Custom Name</a>
<a id='remoSaved' class='btn' style="background-color:black;color:white;">Remove Saved Configuration</a>
```{r showMe, echo=FALSE, fig.show="hold"}
rpivotTable(mtcars, rows="am", cols = c("cyl"), width = "90%",
height = "40%", subtotals = TRUE,
rendererOptions = list(
c3 = list(legend = list(show = FALSE),
data = list(labels = TRUE),
options = list(responsive = TRUE,
maintainAspectRatio = FALSE),
size = list(width = "600",
height = "500")),
d3 = list(size = list(width = "500", height = "500"))
```{r listenOrElse,results="asis",engine="js"}
// for ONE TABLE
setTimeout(function(){ // add to buttons
radioStar(); // <= added in v3
document.querySelector('a#saveNamed').addEventListener('click', savoring);
document.querySelector('a#restoNamed').addEventListener('click', giveItBack);
document.querySelector('a#remoSaved').addEventListener('click', remIt); // removing configs
function savoring() { // function to save
el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
msg = "Choose a name for the configuration that you are saving.";
inName = prompt(msg, ['Enter a name with no spaces or special characters'])
if(inName === null) {return;}; // they changed their mind; nothing saved
inName = inName.replace(/[^a-z0-9.]/gi, ''); // validate string
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
elId = el.getAttribute("id");
stringy = $('#' + elId).data("pivotUIOptions"); // collect rows/col filters
delete stringy['aggregators']; // remove not-parse-friendly keys
delete stringy['renderers'];
stringy2 = JSON.stringify(stringy); // one key:value pair for storage
window.localStorage.setItem(path + '_' + inName, stringy2); // STORE it!
radBuilder(inName); // <= added in v3; mod v4; add radio btn for new saved name
function giveItBack() { // function to regurgitate
//el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
msg = "Enter the name of the configuration you would like to retrieve.";
confName = prompt(msg, ["Enter a name with no spaces or special characters"]);
if(confName === null) {return;};
confName = confName.replace(/[^a-z0-9.]/gi, ''); // validate string
function retriever(confName) { // <= added in v3
console.log("I'm listening! I swear!");
el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
ods = [...el.ownerDocument.scripts]; // make it an array
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
elId = el.getAttribute("id");
where = ods.filter(function(ods){ // filter scripts for data
return ods.dataset['for'] === elId;
where2 = JSON.parse(where).x.data; // format data for pivotUI()
where3 = HTMLWidgets.dataframeToD3(where2); // ...still formatting
if(window.localStorage.getItem(path + '_' + confName) === null) { // alert
len = window.localStorage.length
var str;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
w = window.localStorage.key(i);
w2 = w.split("_").pop(); // remove file/page name <= changed in v3
str = str + w2 + '\n'; // make one long string of names
str2 = "WARNING: There is no saved pivot table configuration with the name " + confName + '.';
str2 += " Here is a list of the configuration names that are currently stored for this page:\n";
str2 += str;
alert(str2); // next step is a change in v3
giveItBack(); // when unmatched name is chosen instead of re-prompting send them back
gimme = window.localStorage.getItem(path + '_' + confName); // get storage
gimmeMore = JSON.parse(gimme); // prepare for recall
if(where.includes('"subtotals":true')){ // is the option 'subtotal' used?
gimmeMore.renderers = $.pivotUtilities.subtotal_renderers;
gimmeMore.dataClass = $.pivotUtilities.SubtotalPivotData;
if(where.includes('"tsv":true')){ // is the option 'tsv' used?
gimmeMore.renderers = $.extend(gimmeMore.renderers, $.pivotUtilities.export_renderers);
// passed as a function, they will get lost in save & retrieve
stringy = $('#' + elId).data("pivotUIOptions").sorters;
gimmeMore.sorters = stringy;
$('#' + elId).pivotUI(where3, gimmeMore, true, "en"); // put it back!
function remIt(){
el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
msg = "Identify the configuration for removal.";
remName = prompt(msg, ['Enter a name with no spaces or special characters'])
if(remName === null) {return;}; // they changed their mind; nothing saved
remName = remName.replace(/[^a-z0-9.]/gi, ''); // validate string
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
window.localStorage.removeItem(path + '_' + remName);
rgetter = document.querySelector('#' + remName).parentNode;
function radioStar() { // create container *once*; size may have to be adjusted
if(document.querySelector('#radIsland') == null) { // if an alert doesn't exist
// one time = create island for radio buttons
contLabel = document.createElement('div');
'font-size: 1.2em; font-face: bold; color: #003b70; display: flex; flex-flow: wrap row;');
contLabel.textContent = 'Choose from the available check points:';
configCont = document.createElement('div');
configCont.id = 'radIsland';
'border: 1px solid #003b70; min-width: 11em; width: auto; max-width: 55em; min-height: 10em; height: auto; border-radius: .5em; color: #003b70; display: flex; flex-flow: wrap row;'
pEl = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable').parentNode;
pEl.prepend(configCont); // but box above rpivottable
pEl.prepend(contLabel); // put the label on top
function radCreation(){
// if island exists then move on
// create radio buttons; when savoring runs, radio buttons need to be rebuilt/validated?
var wk, rB, rLab, desc, newL, rCont, path, len;
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
len = window.localStorage.length
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
wk = window.localStorage.key(i);
ind = wk.lastIndexOf('_');
wkFile = wk.substr(0, ind); // remove file/page name and table number
chName = wk.split("_").pop(); // user chosen name
if(wkFile === path) { // only show radio if file names match
function radBuilder(chName){
console.log('building a button');
rB = document.createElement('input');
rB.type = 'radio';
rB.name = 'rBtn'; // only one radio w/ same name can be selected at once
rB.id = chName; // id's have to be unique for rad groups
rB.value = chName;
'margin: 2px;');
rB.addEventListener('click', function(){
rLab = document.createElement('label');
rLab.htmlFor = chName;
desc = document.createTextNode(chName);
newL = document.createElement('br');
fItem = document.createElement('div');
'width: 10em; height: 1.1em; margin: auto;');
rCont = document.getElementById('radIsland');
}, 500);
只需 select 一台新收音机即可更改为不同的配置。
以下是一个 link 代码,可以让您节省一些配置,只要您不清除 cookie,就可以随时加载。
- 使用自定义名称保存
- 按名称检索
- 通过单选按钮检索
- 通过按钮删除
title: "testing rpivotTable cookie-ishness"
author: "me"
date: '2022-05-12'
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
body { /*push content away from far right and left edges*/
margin-right: 2%;
margin-left: 2%;
.main-container {
max-width: unset;
.btn { /*Added other buttons*/
vertical-align: middle;
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 10px 14px -7px #000000;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 10px 14px -7px #000000;
box-shadow: 0px 10px 14px -7px #000000;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
border: .5px solid black;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 1.15em; /*Changed from 1.3em*/
padding: .3em 0px;
width: 20em; /*Changed from 18em*/
text-decoration: none; /*no underline!!*/
cursor: pointer;
.btn:active { /*simulate movement; added other buttons*/
position: relative;
top: 1px;
```{r data,include=F}
# devtools::install_github("fraupflaume/rpivotTable")
按钮(不是单选按钮)和 rpivotTable
## Make it Interesting...or not
Do you want to save or restore the previously saved pivot tables' configuration?
<a id='saveNamed' class='btn' style="background-color:#003b70;color:white;">Save Configuration by Name</a>
<a id='restoNamed' class='btn' style="background-color:#b21e29;color:white;">Restore Configuration with Custom Name</a>
<a id='remoSaved' class='btn' style="background-color:black;color:white;">Remove Saved Configuration</a>
```{r showMe, echo=FALSE, fig.show="hold"}
rpivotTable(mtcars, rows="am", cols = c("cyl"), width = "90%",
height = "40%", subtotals = TRUE,
rendererOptions = list(
c3 = list(legend = list(show = FALSE),
data = list(labels = TRUE),
options = list(responsive = TRUE,
maintainAspectRatio = FALSE),
size = list(width = "600",
height = "500")),
d3 = list(size = list(width = "500", height = "500"))
```{r listenOrElse,results="asis",engine="js"}
// for ONE TABLE
setTimeout(function(){ // add to buttons
radioStar(); // <= added in v3
document.querySelector('a#saveNamed').addEventListener('click', savoring);
document.querySelector('a#restoNamed').addEventListener('click', giveItBack);
document.querySelector('a#remoSaved').addEventListener('click', remIt); // removing configs
function savoring() { // function to save
el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
msg = "Choose a name for the configuration that you are saving.";
inName = prompt(msg, ['Enter a name with no spaces or special characters'])
if(inName === null) {return;}; // they changed their mind; nothing saved
inName = inName.replace(/[^a-z0-9.]/gi, ''); // validate string
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
elId = el.getAttribute("id");
stringy = $('#' + elId).data("pivotUIOptions"); // collect rows/col filters
delete stringy['aggregators']; // remove not-parse-friendly keys
delete stringy['renderers'];
stringy2 = JSON.stringify(stringy); // one key:value pair for storage
window.localStorage.setItem(path + '_' + inName, stringy2); // STORE it!
radBuilder(inName); // <= added in v3; mod v4; add radio btn for new saved name
function giveItBack() { // function to regurgitate
//el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
msg = "Enter the name of the configuration you would like to retrieve.";
confName = prompt(msg, ["Enter a name with no spaces or special characters"]);
if(confName === null) {return;};
confName = confName.replace(/[^a-z0-9.]/gi, ''); // validate string
function retriever(confName) { // <= added in v3
console.log("I'm listening! I swear!");
el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
ods = [...el.ownerDocument.scripts]; // make it an array
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
elId = el.getAttribute("id");
where = ods.filter(function(ods){ // filter scripts for data
return ods.dataset['for'] === elId;
where2 = JSON.parse(where).x.data; // format data for pivotUI()
where3 = HTMLWidgets.dataframeToD3(where2); // ...still formatting
if(window.localStorage.getItem(path + '_' + confName) === null) { // alert
len = window.localStorage.length
var str;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
w = window.localStorage.key(i);
w2 = w.split("_").pop(); // remove file/page name <= changed in v3
str = str + w2 + '\n'; // make one long string of names
str2 = "WARNING: There is no saved pivot table configuration with the name " + confName + '.';
str2 += " Here is a list of the configuration names that are currently stored for this page:\n";
str2 += str;
alert(str2); // next step is a change in v3
giveItBack(); // when unmatched name is chosen instead of re-prompting send them back
gimme = window.localStorage.getItem(path + '_' + confName); // get storage
gimmeMore = JSON.parse(gimme); // prepare for recall
if(where.includes('"subtotals":true')){ // is the option 'subtotal' used?
gimmeMore.renderers = $.pivotUtilities.subtotal_renderers;
gimmeMore.dataClass = $.pivotUtilities.SubtotalPivotData;
if(where.includes('"tsv":true')){ // is the option 'tsv' used?
gimmeMore.renderers = $.extend(gimmeMore.renderers, $.pivotUtilities.export_renderers);
// passed as a function, they will get lost in save & retrieve
stringy = $('#' + elId).data("pivotUIOptions").sorters;
gimmeMore.sorters = stringy;
$('#' + elId).pivotUI(where3, gimmeMore, true, "en"); // put it back!
function remIt(){
el = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable');
msg = "Identify the configuration for removal.";
remName = prompt(msg, ['Enter a name with no spaces or special characters'])
if(remName === null) {return;}; // they changed their mind; nothing saved
remName = remName.replace(/[^a-z0-9.]/gi, ''); // validate string
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
window.localStorage.removeItem(path + '_' + remName);
rgetter = document.querySelector('#' + remName).parentNode;
function radioStar() { // create container *once*; size may have to be adjusted
if(document.querySelector('#radIsland') == null) { // if an alert doesn't exist
// one time = create island for radio buttons
contLabel = document.createElement('div');
'font-size: 1.2em; font-face: bold; color: #003b70; display: flex; flex-flow: wrap row;');
contLabel.textContent = 'Choose from the available check points:';
configCont = document.createElement('div');
configCont.id = 'radIsland';
'border: 1px solid #003b70; min-width: 11em; width: auto; max-width: 55em; min-height: 10em; height: auto; border-radius: .5em; color: #003b70; display: flex; flex-flow: wrap row;'
pEl = document.querySelector('.rpivotTable').parentNode;
pEl.prepend(configCont); // but box above rpivottable
pEl.prepend(contLabel); // put the label on top
function radCreation(){
// if island exists then move on
// create radio buttons; when savoring runs, radio buttons need to be rebuilt/validated?
var wk, rB, rLab, desc, newL, rCont, path, len;
path = window.location.pathname.split("/").pop().split(".").slice()[0]; //filename
len = window.localStorage.length
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
wk = window.localStorage.key(i);
ind = wk.lastIndexOf('_');
wkFile = wk.substr(0, ind); // remove file/page name and table number
chName = wk.split("_").pop(); // user chosen name
if(wkFile === path) { // only show radio if file names match
function radBuilder(chName){
console.log('building a button');
rB = document.createElement('input');
rB.type = 'radio';
rB.name = 'rBtn'; // only one radio w/ same name can be selected at once
rB.id = chName; // id's have to be unique for rad groups
rB.value = chName;
'margin: 2px;');
rB.addEventListener('click', function(){
rLab = document.createElement('label');
rLab.htmlFor = chName;
desc = document.createTextNode(chName);
newL = document.createElement('br');
fItem = document.createElement('div');
'width: 10em; height: 1.1em; margin: auto;');
rCont = document.getElementById('radIsland');
}, 500);