在 Writer 中生成二元组的宏

macro to generate bigrams in Writer


我可以在 Python 中像这样...

import nltk, sys
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
sys.stdout = open("mygram1.txt", "w")
with open("mytext.txt") as f:
for text in f:
    tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
    bigrm = (nltk.bigrams(tokens))
    print(*map(' '.join, bigrm), sep='\n')

但我需要一个可以在 Libreoffice writer 中 运行 的宏。我不想使用 Python.


就像双字母组一样,nltk 有我使用 nltk.trigrams 调用的三字母组方法,如果我需要四到五个克,还有每克!

from nltk import everygrams
import nltk, sys
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
sys.stdout = open("myfourgram1.txt", "w")
with open("/home/ubuntu/mytext.txt") as f:
  for text in f:
      tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
      for i in list(everygrams(tokens, 4, 4)):
          print((" ".join(i)))

在 libreoffice basic 中可以吗?

您可以通过回收我对您上一个问题 () 的回答中的代码来复制您的 Python 代码的行为。首先删除所有与拼写检查、生成备选方案和排序相关的内容,从而使其更短,然后更改将结果插入新文档的行,使其仅插入成对的单词。您不必将输入文本放在 .txt 文件中,而必须将它们放入编写器文档中,结果将出现在新的编写器文档中。

它应该类似于下面的清单。这也包括辅助功能 IsWordSeparator()

Option Explicit

Sub ListBigrams

    Dim oSource As Object 
    oSource = ThisComponent

    Dim oSourceCursor As Object
    oSourceCursor = oSource.getText.createTextCursor()

    Dim oDestination As Object
    oDestination = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( "private:factory/swriter",  "_blank", 0, Array() )

    Dim oDestinationText as Object
    oDestinationText = oDestination.getText()

    Dim oDestinationCursor As Object
    oDestinationCursor = oDestinationText.createTextCursor()

    Dim s As String, sParagraph As String, sPreviousWord As String, sThisWord As String    
    Dim i as Long, j As Long, nWordStart As Long, nWordEnd As Long, nChar As Long
    Dim bFirst as Boolean
    sPreviousWord = ""
    bFirst = true

        sParagraph = oSourceCursor.getString() & " " 'It is necessary to add a space to the end of
        'the string otherwise the last word of the paragraph is not recognised.
        nWordStart = 1
        nWordEnd = 1
        For i = 1 to Len(sParagraph)
            nChar = ASC(Mid(sParagraph, i, 1))
            If IsWordSeparator(nChar) Then   '1
                If nWordEnd > nWordStart Then   '2
                sThisWord = Mid(sParagraph, nWordStart, nWordEnd - nWordStart)
                If bFirst Then
                    bFirst = False
                    oDestinationText.insertString(oDestinationCursor, sPreviousWord & " " & sThisWord & Chr(13), False)
                sPreviousWord = sThisWord
                End If   '2                
                nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1
                nWordStart = nWordEnd                   
                nWordEnd = nWordEnd + 1                   
            End If    '1

        Next i

    Loop While oSourceCursor.gotoNextParagraph(False)

End Sub


' OOME Listing 360. 
Function IsWordSeparator(iChar As Long) As Boolean

    ' Horizontal tab \t 9
    ' New line \n 10
    ' Carriage return \r 13
    ' Space   32
    ' Non-breaking space   160     

    Select Case iChar
    Case 9, 10, 13, 32, 160
        IsWordSeparator = True
    Case Else
        IsWordSeparator = False
    End Select    
End Function

即使在 Python 中更容易做到这一点,正如 Jim K 所建议的那样,BASIC 方法也可以更容易地向用户分发功能,因为他们不必安装 Python 和 NLTK 库(这并不简单)。