如何命名从 CSV 文件导入的 dict 变量?在 Python

How to name dict variables imported from a CSV file ? in Python

我知道如何从 CSV 文件导入字典类型变量,例如:

c321;white glove;52
d654;orange hat;65
d658;red scarf;85


import csv

inputfile = open("myfile.csv")
reader_dict = csv.DictReader(inputfile, delimiter=';')


for line in reader_dict:

当我需要使用列表变量中包含的 dict 变量时 "catalog" 我必须使用 "for loop" 比如:

for item in catalog:
    if item["code"]=="code I am looking for":
        print ("now can I use the item am interested in!!")


否则有没有办法为 "catalog" 列表中包含的每个字典变量命名?

名称可以是与字典中的键关联的一个值(例如与 "code" 键关联的值),我想自动创建变量,如:

c321 = {'code': 'c321', 'descritpion': 'white glove', 'price':'52'}

如果可能的话,我可以很容易地使用一个带有他名字的变量,而不是每次都使用 "for loop"。

扩展我在 OP 的评论:

It is certainly possible to create such variables, the question is, do you really want to? It is rather un-pythonic, IMHO. Also you would probably have to keep track of all the (variable-)names you created for later use. My suggestion would be to use a (nested) dict, e.g. make your catalog a dictionary and add the records from your csv file with the name of your choice as key.

import csv

catalog = {}
with open("myfile.csv") as inputfile:
  rows = csv.DictReader(inputfile, delimiter=';')
  for row in rows:
    key = row['code']
    catalog[key] = row

print( catalog["some_code"]["description"] )

或采纳martineau的建议: (EDIT1: 进行了调整以提高优雅度) (EDIT2: 修复了错误,因此它实际上按预期工作)

import csv
import collections

catalog = {}
with open("myfile.csv", 'rb') as inputfile:
  row_iterator = csv.reader(inputfile, delimiter=';')
  Record = collections.namedtuple('Record', next(row_iterator))
  # EDIT2: each row is a list here, so we have to use the columnindex to specify the key
  catalog = {row[0]: Record._make(row) for row in row_iterator}    

print( catalog["some_code"].description )


import csv
import collections

with open("myfile.csv", 'rb') as inputfile:
    reader = csv.reader(inputfile, delimiter=';')
    Record = collections.namedtuple('Record', next(reader))  # use header row
    catalog = [Record._make(row) for row in reader]

for item in catalog:
    print item.code, item.description, item.price


c321 white glove 52
d654 orange hat 65
d658 red scarf 85




class AttrDict(dict):  # from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576972-attrdict
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__dict__ = self

with open("myfile.csv", 'rb') as inputfile:
    reader = csv.reader(inputfile, delimiter=';')
    fields = next(reader)  # header row
    # row[0] is dict key with remaining values mapped to fieldnames
    catalog = {row[0]: AttrDict(zip(fields[1:], row[1:])) for row in reader}

print catalog
c321 = catalog['c321']
print 'c321:', repr(c321.description), int(c321.price)


{'c321': {'description': 'white glove', 'price': '52'},
 'd654': {'description': 'orange hat', 'price': '65'},
 'd658': {'description': 'red scarf', 'price': '85'}}
c321: 'white glove' 52